Name: Jeff McClellan
BYU employee since: 1995
My job at BYU is… producing publications — like BYU Magazine and BYU Speeches. I have the joy of working with a bunch of really creative, talented and fun people in communicating about this fascinating and inspiring place.
Currently I’m working on… helping the university implement branding standards across campus. Our goal is to help all of the people and entities at this large place represent the university consistently; we want to all be singing from the same music so our audiences can recognize it.
I get most excited about my work when… readers of BYU Magazine or BYU Speeches write to tell us how an article or a talk has affected their life. It is fulfilling to be a part of something that makes a difference in the world.
A high school English teacher sparked my interest in my field. I had always been a math guy until one teacher emphasized creative writing and I discovered how much I enjoyed putting words together in fun ways. Then I joined the yearbook staff and found that I also loved creative collaboration with cool people.
When I have 30 minutes of free time, you can find me… playing the bagpipes.
My favorite spot on campus is… I love sitting alone in the Marriott Center after a devotional and watching everyone leave and the crews take down the podium and chairs. Something about being small and anonymous in such a large space — especially after an inspiring talk — gives my mind and spirit room to expand.
My go-to comfort food is… waffles with peanut butter, bananas and berries.
One item on my bucket list is… to see the Northern Lights.
My favorite hobby is… running — I love a peaceful early morning run, especially along a beautiful winding trail through trees and along a river.
I’m currently reading… my devotional address. It’s way too long and I have to cut it down. :)