BYU seeks to develop students of faith, intellect, and character. In addition to teaching classes, most BYU professors also conduct research in their academic field. Students – even at the undergraduate level – participate in research and publish their work alongside a faculty mentor. Here are the stories of what they discover together.
A Q&A with BYU professor of English Lance Larsen, who has been writing poetry for four decades. His poems are regularly published in leading literary journals, and he has received prestigious awards, including the Pushcart Prize and a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts. From 2012-17 he served as Utah Poet Laureate, advocating for the arts throughout the state. He recently published his sixth book of poetry — "Making a Kingdom of It."
Imagine being tasked with writing a song in just three days, and then getting the chance to work alongside world-renowned guitarist Mark Lettieri. That was the incredible opportunity five BYU commercial music students.
If you haven’t experienced the pipe organ in the BYU Music Building yet, you’re in for a treat. With 4,613 pipes and 81 ranks (sets of pipes), it’s the third largest organ in Utah and the only one with two consoles. Organists can play from a console located in the center of the pipework facade or from a movable stage console.
“The answer comes down to each of us — even to you, as students here in this university,” expressed Yuval Levin in his forum address at the BYU Marriott Center.
Thanks to a group of BYU students and their professor, this year marks a new era for the Food & Care Coalition’s fresh produce supply. Professor Matt Arrington and students recently designed and built a hydroponics greenhouse to provide nutritious produce during the cold months.
The BYU Marriott School of Business MBA program comes in at No. 2 in the world for “Overall Satisfaction” according to newly released global MBA rankings from The Financial Times.
Brigham Young University is now a R1 research institution according to the newly updated Carnegie Classification research designations announced today.
With the exponential rise in drone activity, safely managing low-flying airspace has become a major issue. Using a network of small, low-cost radars, engineering professor Cammy Peterson and her colleagues have built an air traffic control system for drones that can effectively and accurately track anything in an identified low-altitude airspace.
Jeffrey Rosen, president and CEO of the National Constitution Center, spoke to BYU students and employees at the Marriott Center in this week’s forum address. He emphasized the importance of self-improvement through the pursuit of virtue.
BYU robotics experts are building a humanoid robot that can impressively lift large and unwieldy objects such as ladders, kayaks, car tires, chairs, and heavy boxes. And it does so safely because its whole structure is flexible.
BYU’s Compliant Mechanisms Research lab, inspired by the ancient art of origami, is building a foldable, compact design that could help launch satellite systems to space in a rocket. After five years of research, a team led by professors Larry Howell and Spencer Magleby has succeeded in creating foldable antenna systems than can deploy off space rockets and permanently open to enhance satellite systems.
A lot of news happens on BYU's campus in the course of a year. Some of that news will change the shape of BYU forever, such as the announcement of the new school of medicine, while some of that news connects research with current trends (AI anyone?). And some of that news simply brings joy, such as the library's record-smashing LEGO exhibit and an expanded Creamery on Ninth.
It’s been said that angry tears are salty and happy tears are sweet. Whether or not that’s actually the case, it is true that not all tears are the same. Tears from chopping an onion are different from those shed from pain – like stepping on a Lego in the middle of the night — as are those special basal tears that keep eyes moist all day. Each type of tear carries unique proteins that reveal insights into health.
Have you felt uplifted through a simple smile, help with a task or a positive interchange with someone — even a stranger? Kindness works both ways. A new study conducted by BYU researcher Julianne Holt-Lunstad finds that offering a single act of kindness each week reduced loneliness, social isolation and social anxiety, and promoted neighborhood relationships.