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Imagine being tasked with writing a song in just three days, and then getting the chance to work alongside world-renowned guitarist Mark Lettieri. That was the incredible opportunity five BYU commercial music students.
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“If I could go back [to my time as a freshman in college] and tell myself anything, it would be that God has a plan for you,” taught Kalani Sitake, BYU’s head football coach.
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Perry Martin's appointment is effective June 1. She will fill the role of Carri Jenkins, who is retiring after decades of service at BYU.
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If you haven’t experienced the pipe organ in the BYU Music Building yet, you’re in for a treat. With 4,613 pipes and 81 ranks (sets of pipes), it’s the third largest organ in Utah and the only one with two consoles. Organists can play from a console located in the center of the pipework facade or from a movable stage console.
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Elder Michael A. Dunn, a General Authority Seventy for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, delivered Tuesday’s devotional address at the Marriott Center.
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“The answer comes down to each of us — even to you, as students here in this university,” expressed Yuval Levin in his forum address at the BYU Marriott Center.
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Thanks to a group of BYU students and their professor, this year marks a new era for the Food & Care Coalition’s fresh produce supply. Professor Matt Arrington and students recently designed and built a hydroponics greenhouse to provide nutritious produce during the cold months.
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