Full-time school administrators from across the nation can now earn a Doctorate of Education at Brigham Young University in only three years.
The David O. McKay School of Education, through its Department of Educational Leadership and Foundations (EDLF), recently announced a new doctoral program focusing on school leadership. This program is designed to prepare educational leaders who genuinely lead, lift, inspire, and educate their colleagues and students.
The new Doctorate of Education program in school leadership will launch summer term 2011, admitting a cohort of 12. For complete details and registration information, visit education.byu.edu/edlf/programs/edd.html or call (801) 422-6070.
Student candidates for this degree will attend rigorous classes for six weekends each semester in addition to summer courses. “We’ve designed a structure that departs from the traditional course pattern of meeting on campus several times a week,” said Scott Ferrin, graduate coordinator for EDLF, who chairs the new doctoral program.
The program is designed for mid-career educational leaders who want to move up to advanced leadership positions, said Sterling Hilton, EDLF chair. “Our intent is to produce leaders who see the value of research. Our students will know how to use research, direct research, and produce research,” he said.
The program will be based on a cohort model, which encourages the development of professional relationships and productive synergy, which students will carry back to their own schools.
“Students can use their own setting and colleagues as a laboratory for the theories and research introduced and investigated during their time at BYU,” Ferrin said.
Students will complete course work and publish a dissertation during a three-year time frame. As doctoral candidates, they will inquire, explore, and learn together with other education leaders from around the country while continuing to serve within their own school systems.
Writer: Roxanna Johnson