Will be replaced with four other sacred works by Bloch
The last day for patrons to see Danish artist Carl Bloch’s "Sermon on the Mount," "The Shepherds and the Angel," "Let the Little Children Come Unto Me" and "Healing of the Blind Man" at the BYU Museum of Art is Saturday, Feb. 22.
Free tickets to see the exhibition are available online at sacredgifts.byu.edu/tickets
On view now as part of the museum’s popular exhibition, “Sacred Gifts: The Religious Art of Carl Bloch, Heinrich Hofmann and Frans Schwartz,” the paintings will be switched out for four other Bloch works also from the King’s Oratory at the Frederiksborg Castle in Denmark.
The exhibition will be closed during daytime hours on Monday, Feb. 24, to install the second set of paintings, and will open again that evening.
The new paintings to be installed are Bloch’s "Cleansing of the Temple," "The Denial of Peter," Christ on the Cross" and "The Burial." These masterworks will remain on display until the close of the exhibition May 10.
Due to the extraordinary nature of the loan from Frederiksborg, only four of the eight paintings can be displayed at a time. Having never before left the castle, these Carl Bloch works are on loan to the museum under special circumstances and will never leave Frederiksborg again, according to Mette Skougaard, director of the Museum of National History at Frederiksborg.
For more information on the exhibition, visit sacredgifts.byu.edu