Name: Quint Randle
BYU employee since: Aren’t there records somewhere that can tell us that? 2000, I think?
My job at BYU is… associate professor in the School of Communications. I teach and research mostly in journalism or what we now call "news media." But I also teach visual design to advertising and public relations students as well. My focus is on digital media and visual communication, but I also do some research at the intersection of media and religion.
Currently I’m working with students on… a film documentary and web project about early-return missionaries who come home due to anxiety, depression and the like, and the trial of faith they go through as they come home, etc.

Delivering newspapers when I was a kid to some degree …sparked my interest in my field. But just on a whim almost, I took a journalism class at a junior college after my LDS mission before coming to BYU. I fell in love with journalism, publishing and storytelling.
What makes teaching the greatest job in the world is… you basically get to start over with a new set of students each semester. You can try to completely reinvent what you're doing from scratch. Plus, there is so much variety in teaching and research. I tell people, “It’s like I’m a kid in a candy store."
My favorite lecture to teach is… teaching photo composition to students in our general visual communication class. It’s just amazing to see what they can do with their iPhones and a bit of photo theory and technique.
When I have 30 minutes of free time, you can find me… writing songs for my band Joshua Creek.
My favorite BYU tradition is… prayers at the start of class. I’m always touched at how thankful students are to attend BYU. Those prayers uplift and inspire me.
My favorite spot on campus is… the southwest corner of campus ever since [the School of Communications] moved to the Brimhall Building several years ago. It’s just beautiful. The trees, the landscaping, etc.
The title of my autobiography would be… It Will All Be Over Soon.
My go-to BYU Creamery ice cream flavor is… anything that has chocolate in it.
My favorite quote is… (I’m not using this just cause we are at BYU) "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
My favorite TV show growing up was… Adam-12.
If I could travel anywhere, I would go to… the Caribbean for some scuba diving.
Know of another Cougar we should feature? Email Natalie Tripp.