The Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies is sponsoring a conference on Abraham on Saturday, March 6, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in 2254 BYU Conference Center on the Brigham Young University campus.
The conference is free and the public is invited to attend. Registration is not required.
The conference, titled “Genesis 22: Latter-day Saint Perspectives on the Binding of Isaac,” will focus on Latter-day Saint perspectives of the Akedah, when Abraham nearly offered Isaac as a sacrifice in accordance with a commandment he received from God.
Scholars presenting papers at the conference will discuss numerous perspectives, including literary studies with a focus on careful readings of the Hebrew text, artistic surveys drawing on expressions of the subject in early Jewish and Christian art, archaeological investigations that form a backdrop to the Akedah account and reflections on other interpretations, both Jewish (Midrashic) and Christian.
In addition, a short film titled “Akedah (The Binding)” will be shown and the role of Sarah, Abraham’s wife, will be discussed.
For more information, contact Jacob Rawlins at (801) 422-8646.
Writer: Thomas Grover