The Young DanceMakers at Brigham Young University will present "An Evening of Dance" Friday and Saturday, May 6 and 7, at 7:30 p.m. in the de Jong Concert Hall of the Harris Fine Arts Center.
Tickets are $8 for the event and the public is invited to attend. To purchase the tickets, call the Fine Arts Ticket Office at (801) 378-4322.
This year's presentation, "Jubilation Celebration," celebrates 50 years of children's creative dance in Utah Valley.
"Lifesongs," choreographed by Kathleen Sheffield of the BYU children's dance faculty, lifts the audience as children reflect the melodies and rhythms of life, while "Celebrate the Boys," takes viewers on a journey to witness the wonderful energy boys bring to dance.
Performances will include Jubilate, "Sing to God," a piece in which dancers will combine with the voices of the Timpanogos Children's Choir and the Highland Children's Choir.
The Young DanceMakers also will perform a tribute to Virginia Tanner, "For Virginia," a piece choreographed by Emeritus Director Christine Ollerton.
The Young DanceMakers includes boys and girls ages 6 to 18 that have studied and achieved a high level of performance within the BYU Children and Teens' Creative Dance Program.
Registration for the BYU Childrens' Dance Program 2005-06 will begin in August. There is also a five-week Spring Creative Dance Program beginning May 17. For more information call (801) 378-4851.
For more information about the performances, contact Kathleen Sheffield at (801) 422-2043.
Writer: James McCoy