Dennis S. Sears, associate director for Legal Research and Reference at Brigham Young University’s Howard W. Hunter Law Library, received the Daniel L. Wade Foreign, Comparative and International Law Special Interest Section Outstanding Service Award at the annual meeting of the American Association of Law Libraries in July 2012.
The award was named for Daniel L. Wade, Foreign and International Law Librarian at the Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale Law School. He was long considered the “dean” of foreign, comparative and international legal research, reference and teaching.
Sears was nominated and chosen to receive the award for his service on various FCIL-SIS committees, including co-chairing the education committee for 14 years and his service as secretary/treasurer (2005-2007), vice chair/chair-elect (2007-2008) and chair (2008-2009).
Sears received both Juris Doctor and MBA degrees from BYU in 1985.
For more information, contact Dennis S. Sears at (801) 422-7472.
Writer: Hwa Lee