Devotional: Finding direction in uncertainty - BYU News Skip to main content

Devotional: Finding direction in uncertainty

Mary Davis, an associate professor of microbiology and molecular biology, delivered Tuesday's devotional address. She focused her remarks on learning how to move forward in uncertainty and refraining from comparing life paths with others.

devo Mary Davis
Photo by Christi Norris/BYU

Moving forward in uncertainty

Beginning by sharing a personal experience, Davis described a time when she decided to continue her education but felt torn between prioritizing her own personal growth and dedicating herself fully to nurturing her family.

Taking this decision to the Lord, Davis was surprised when she was met with the answer, “Don't quit,” and to continue in her education and personal pursuits.

“Despite receiving clear divine guidance, I found myself in a dark period of my life, grappling with how to proceed without apparent avenues for progress. With fervent prayers, the prompting persisted: ‘Don't quit.’ This came with no additional knowledge on how to not quit.”

After seeking advice, Davis and her husband turned to the story of the brother of Jared in the Book of Ether, who sought divine guidance on how to provide light in enclosed vessels for their voyage. Instead of receiving a specific answer, God asked him, "What will ye that I should do that you may have light?"

“While God could have performed a different miracle without the brother of Jared, He desired the brother of Jared's growth and involvement.”

Like the brother of Jared, Davis realized that she needed to find her own solutions, despite facing daunting challenges. She explained that when one feels stalled and unsure of what to do next, they should trust God enough to choose to take a step — or, in other words, go forward in faith.

“If you are living in a way to prepare yourself for personal revelation, then keep moving forward even if you do not receive a clear prompting on which path to take. Trust that God will not let you make a wrong choice without warning you.”

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Photo by Christi Norris/BYU

Davis taught that personal revelation didn't guarantee an easy path and that individuals pursuing similar goals might take different routes. She emphasized that what seems easy for one could be challenging for another, and urgied trust in God during difficult times for personal growth.

“God wants you to be involved in your path. Your voice matters to Him,” Davis testified. “If you are pointed towards Him, He can walk with you no matter what career or life choices you make. Make your offering of a plan and leave it at the feet of Him who loves you and works for your good. He can turn your stones into miracles.”

Avoid comparisons

Emphasizing the importance of avoiding comparisons with others' paths, Davis highlighted that often the appearance of others’ lives can be deceiving, with some facing visible challenges while others' paths may seem easier but lack rest stops.

“It is not worth my time or your time to judge the difficulty of another’s path or to judge if they are as far as they should be,” Davis said. “We do not have the right angle of perception to make an accurate judgment, and we gain no benefit by judging others.”

Each individual will inevitably encounter obstacles when striving to reach their goals, Davis stated. Recognizing our limited abilities, she underscored the necessity and importance of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

“There are many things we can do and goals we can attain that improve us and help us become better people,” Davis said. “However, to truly receive eternal life and the highest summit, we require Jesus Christ. Do not allow goals, no matter how good, to cause you to adjust your position away from Jesus Christ.”

davis,  mary
Photo by Christi Norris/BYU

Davis urged us not to rely solely on conventional solutions, emphasizing the importance of thinking creatively to overcome challenges. She taught that even amidst the difficulties, the Lord can take our offerings, touch them and turn them into miracles.

“You cannot stray so far that a single step cannot help you face Him again. Facing Him and focusing on Him does not mean your life will be easy,” she said. “It does mean that you will have guaranteed success in attaining your goal of eternal life and living with your Heavenly Father and your loved ones again.”

If we focus so much on what events need to happen, we will lose the more important focus of who we are trying to become, said Davis. By strengthening our bond with our Heavenly Father, we guarantee an eternal life with Him.

“Life events and choices vary, but we should work towards goals that help us become our best selves, the people our Heavenly Father sees we have the potential to become.”

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