Name: Michael Drake
BYU employee since: 2011
My job at BYU is... full professor in the School of Accountancy in the BYU Marriott School of Business
I’m currently working on... a reboot of Accounting 200 set to launch in January 2023.

The best advice I’ve ever gotten about teaching is... “Teach a little bit less and what you do teach, take your time and teach it well.” (Jim Stice, emeritus professor of accounting at BYU.)
When I have 30 minutes of free time... you can find me with a ball at my feet or in my hands.
I became a BYU fan when... I watched Ty Detmer lead the Cougars to victory against Miami in 1990.
My go-to BYU Creamery ice cream flavor is... cookies and cream.
I chose to come to BYU because... I wanted to be immersed in an environment of faith. I never want to leave for the same reason.
My most cherished memory at BYU was when... I proposed to my wife under a tree on campus (now a romantic parking lot), which is where I first asked for her number.
On Saturday mornings you’ll find me... at a soccer game.
My favorite TV show growing up was... Ghostbusters (which I watched weekly as if it were a TV show).