Name: Gilbert Fellingham
BYU employee since: 1990

My job at BYU is… I teach statistics and do research in statistical methods. My primary interest is human performance (that means I do a lot with sports).
I’m currently working on… a paper that rates every player (both men and women) with data from the 2018 World Volleyball Championships.
Carl McGown changed the way I view coaching because he taught me that you could be a scientist and a coach at the same time.
I’m most looking forward to… shooting my age on the golf course.
My advice to incoming freshmen is… work hard and don’t be afraid to grow.
My advice to graduating seniors is… work hard and keep growing.
I chose to come to BYU because... I’m a convert, and coming to BYU to do graduate work after my baptism changed my life.
On Saturday mornings you’ll find me… either playing golf or getting ready to play golf.
The biggest challenge I’ve faced was... working on my Ph.D. at the University of Washington. I spent the week in Seattle, and my wife and six children stayed in our home on the Olympic Peninsula, so I was just home on the weekends.