Name: Ryan Gabriel
BYU employee since: 2016
My job at BYU is… an assistant professor of sociology, where I teach about race and ethnicity, residential segregation and the legacies of racial violence

Currently I’m working on… trying to understand the types of neighborhoods that multiracial adults live in.
I’m currently reading… "The Book of Delights: Essays" by Ross Gay.
What makes teaching the greatest job in the world is… being able to interact with curious and caring students.
The best advice I’ve ever gotten about teaching is… to know deeply, teach simply.
When I have 30 minutes of free time, you can find me… reading about the NBA.
My advice to incoming freshmen is… that you deserve to be here.
My go-to comfort food is… homemade triple-chocolate chip cookies. I spent years trying to create the perfect chocolate chip cookie. I tried different types of chocolate, I made my own butter, I bought a special cookie pan, etc. In the end I discovered that what matters most: experiment, use the best ingredients you can find and have fun.

Three things that are always found in my refrigerator are… great apples, plenty of vegetables and Sriracha.
My favorite TV show growing up was… "ThunderCats."
My fondest memory from my childhood was when… my grandmother would make me breakfast before school. She was so kind.
My most embarrassing moment was when… I was a server at a restaurant shortly after high school, and I accidentally spilled a tray table with large paper cups full of Diet Coke all over a patron’s head. She was soaked. I was horrified. In a twist of irony, she felt bad that I felt bad, so she decided to give me a great tip!