Title IX Update
The material on this website contains information pertaining to sexual assault. We understand that reading about sexual assault can be triggering or difficult for sexual assault survivors. With any communication, our goal is to encourage reporting to better serve our students and campus.
Here is a list of confidential resources for survivors and others affected by sexual assault:
A concern for the intellectual, emotional, social, physical and spiritual well-being of its students is deeply engrained in Brigham Young University’s identity and purpose. This concern for the total person demands a corresponding commitment to creating an environment that is edifying, secure and safe.
Sexual misconduct (which includes sexual assault, stalking, sexual harassment and dating/domestic violence) destroys such an environment, violates core doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and causes significant trauma for the victim—intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically and spiritually.
In May 2018, BYU approved an updated sexual misconduct policy that addresses the 23 recommendations put forward by the Advisory Council on Campus Response to Sexual Assault. BYU President Kevin J Worthen organized the Advisory Council on Campus Response to Sexual Assault with a charge to identify changes that will help BYU work toward the elimination of sexual assault on campus and determine how to better handle the reporting process for victims of sexual assault. Its final report was published in October 2016.
Report of the Advisory Council on Campus Response to Sexual Assault.
BYU's Title IX Office launched a new version of their website during Winter Semester 2018. The website now features a calendar of events and campaigns to promote awareness and prevention of sexual misconduct. Visitors will also find a list of campus and community resources to assist students, faculty, staff and administrative employees.