As part of the BYUSA-sponsored competition “Recycling Race to the Y,” five offices in the Wilkinson Student Center at Brigham Young University collectively recycled more than 117,000 sheets of paper during a one-week period.
To qualify for the competition, offices had to recycle enough paper which, if laid out end to end, would stretch from the WSC to the top of the Block Y.
The winning offices were the Counseling and Career Center (2nd floor office), Campus Scheduling, Student Employment, Student Leadership and International Services.
To honor their efforts, on Wednesday, Nov. 15, which was America Recycles Day, each of the offices received a floral arrangement from the BYU Greenhouse.
For more information, contact Bill Rudy at BYU Recycling, (801)422-4662, or e-mail at
Writer: Brooke Eddington