One lecture to examine "The Three Nephites" in comparative religion
JadHatem, a professor philosophy at the University of Saint Joseph in Lebanon, will offer a series of threelectures in the Harold B. Lee Library Auditorium at Brigham Young UniversityMonday through Wednesday, March 24-26, from 2-3:30 p.m.
Eachlecture will be followed by a 30-minute question-and-answer session. Admissionis free and the public is welcome to attend.
Thefirst lecture will focus on “Faith and Intellect: Empathy and Neutrality.” Thesecond presentation is titled "The Three Nephites, the Bodhisattva and theMahdi: The Three Nephites as a Paradigm Context of Comparative Religion.” Hewill conclude the short lecture series with “Charity in Islam and Christianity:Itinerary of a Catholic Scholar.”
Thisevent is sponsored by the BYU Faculty Center in partnership with the Departmentof French Studies and the David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies.
Formore information, contact James Faulconer at (801) 422-9781 or 375-6997.
Writer: David Luker