Dominique Kalifa, professor of contemporary history at the University of Paris, Pantheon-Sorbonne, will be speaking at Brigham Young University Wednesday, Feb. 3, at noon in 238 Herald R. Clark Building.
Kalifa, who specializes in cultural history, will be discussing “Biribi: The Penal Colonies of the French Army in the 19th and 20th Centuries.”
Kalifa co-directs the University of Paris’ Center for the History of the 19th Century. He has published “La Culture de masse en France, 1860–1930.” He has also researched the history and representation of crime and private detectives which led to his books, “Crime et culture au 19e siècle” and “Naissance de la police privée en France, 1832–1942.” He is a regular contributor to the French daily Libération and holds a joint appointment at the Institut d'Études Politiques in Paris.
For more information, contact Lee Simons at (801) 422-2652.
Writer: Brandon Garrett