Jennifer Rockwood, BYU Women's Soccer Head Coach, delivered the Devotional address Tuesday in the Marriott Center. In her address, Rockwood encouraged the audience to seek the lighted path and to be a light for others.
"When you seek after the light by surrounding yourselves with positive and great individuals, you provide yourself with more opportunities to learn and grow," said Rockwood.
In her address, Rockwood shared a story about running a Ragnar relay race. After running her first leg of the two-day event, she switched to a shorter leg because a previous injury was slowing her down. This mid-race change meant that Rockwood had to run an unfamiliar course at 2 o'clock in the morning. She set out in the dark with only a headlamp and a blinking reflector to light her way through the isolated switchback trails.
"The entire run I was scanning for any sign of light, marker, or even a blinking reflector from someone," she said. "Occasionally, in the distance, I would see a small red light with an arrow and run in that direction. As I passed, I would scan again trying to find another red light."
As she neared the end of her run, she saw a few runners ahead of her and followed their lights to the finish line. After finishing the race, several runners behind her thanked her for being a light and a guide to them.
"The lighted path is not always easy to follow, but it is the only way to reach our desired destination," she said. "During the run, it was important to stay strong, positive and confident even though there were continual doubts. I had to intently search for the light of others to help me find the way and point me in the right direction. And although at the time, I wasn't even aware... I was a light for others."
Rockwood shared several other stories centered around following the light and being a light for others. In conclusion, she shared some personal words of wisdom that she believed Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ wants us all to know:
- You are a beautiful child of God, made in His perfect image.
- You are loved, appreciated, and valued more than you will ever know.
- You are unique, and capable of more success than you can ever imagine.
- Dream big dreams and find your passion... it is never too late.
- Never let fear hold you back... DO the hard things.
- Always give everything your best effort.
- Be kind to yourself, so you can be kind to others.
- Love yourself, so you can love others.
- Follow the light, seek after the light, and always be the light.
"I know that life is challenging, but we can and we must stay on the lighted path that is always provided for us," she said. "We must always seek for the light and light the way for others, today... more than ever."
Next Forum: Archbishop Charles Chaput, Archdiocese of Philadelphia
The next Forum address will be held on Tuesday, March 22, at 11:05 a.m., in the Marriott Center. Archbishop Charles Chaput, archdiocese of Philadelphia, will give the Forum address. His remarks will be broadcast live on BYUtv,, KBYU-TV 11, Classical 89 FM, BYU Radio.