Robert G. Patman will present, “From Retreat toRe-engagement: American Policy toward Sub-Saharan Africa Before and After9/11,” in a Global Awareness Lecture Wednesday, March 16, at noon in 238 HeraldR. Clark Building at Brigham Young University.
A professor of international relations at the University ofOtago in Dunedin, New Zealand, Patman focuses his research on internationalrelations, post-Cold War security and the relationship between order andjustice in a globalizing world.
He has authored and edited seven scholarly books, writtenseveral book chapters and regularly contributes to academic journals. He alsocontributes to the national and international media on global issues.
The 2003 Fulbright senior scholar was also voted by studentsas one of the top 20 teachers at Otago University in 2007.
This lecture will be archived online. For more informationon David M. Kennedy Center events, see the calendar online at kennedy.byu
Writer: David Luker