Excerpts from “The Gospel: The Foundation for a Professional Career” symposium
The Religious Studies Center at BrighamYoung University has released a new publication, “Moral Foundations: StandingFirm in a World of Shifting Values.” It will be available in the BYU Bookstore during March.
The book was compiled from thepresentations from “The Gospel: The Foundation for a Professional Career”symposium held in March 2007. The symposium was cosponsored by BYU ReligiousEducation and the Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology.
Featuring speakers such as Elder RichardG. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints, successful businessman Firoz “King” Husein and Elder DanielK. Judd of the General Sunday School Presidency of the Church, the symposiumfocused on the importance of BYU graduates living the highest standards ofmorality and integrity.
An excerpt from the introduction reads, “Integrityis a matter of behavior, sound thinking and an attitude that honesty isessential to good business and engineering practices. Church membership compelsLatter-day Saints to be trustworthy and immune from political, financial, orpersonal corruption in a world where such traits are fast losing ground toeconomic expediency and personal greed.”
For more information, contact StephanieWilson at (801) 422-3293.
Writer: David Luker