“Sergeants 3,” a rare 1962 movie filmed entirely in Utah and starring members of the famous “Rat Pack,” will be shown at Brigham Young University’s Harold B. Lee Library Auditorium on Wednesday, Oct. 31, at 3 p.m.
Admission is free, but seating is limited. Children ages 8 and older are welcome, but no food or drink is permitted in the auditorium. The auditorium doors will open at 2:30 p.m.
James V. D’Arc, curator of the BYU Motion Picture Archive, will introduce the film and discuss the heritage of movie making in Utah and the challenges of film preservation. The film was shot entirely in the colorful canyon country surrounding Kanab, and BYU’s copy is one of the few widescreen color prints in existence.
“‘Sergeants 3' is virtually a lost film because it was owned and produced by Frank Sinatra, and not a major movie studio,” said D’Arc. “It has not been shown on television for more than 40 years and has never appeared in any video format. ‘Sergeants 3' was also symbolic of the thriving movie-making activity in Kanab and surrounding Kane County.”
The film showing is BYU’s final event to celebrate Utah Archives Month, an annual event that provides the opportunity for special collections libraries and archives to celebrate their collective past and promote the importance and value of historic records and archival materials.
For more information, contact D’Arc at (801) 422-6371.
Writer: Marissa Ballantyne