James McPherson, a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, will speak at a Brigham Young University forum assembly Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 11:05 a.m. in the Marriott Center.
The forum will be broadcast live on KBYU-TV (Channel 11), BYU Television, KBYU-FM (89.1), BYU Radio and byubroadcasting.org
James M. McPherson graduated magna cum laude from Gustavus Adolphus College and did his graduate study and received a doctorate with distinction from Johns Hopkins. From 1962 to 2004 he taught at Princeton University, where he now holds the position of George Henry Davis '86 Professor of American History Emeritus.
He has written 16 books and edited another dozen, mostly on the era of the American Civil War and Reconstruction. Several of his books have won prizes, most notably the Pulitzer Prize in history (1989) for "Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era."
He has received several other awards, including the Pritzker Prize for Lifetime Achievement in Military Writing (2007). He has served as president of the Society of American Historians and the American Historical Association.
For more information, contact Kirsten Thompson at (801) 422-4331.
Writer: Melissa Connor