JohnEdward Clark will present “The Non-Biblical Genesis of New World Civilization”during the 15th Annual Martin B. Hickman Outstanding Scholar Lectureat Brigham Young University on Thursday, March 13, at 7 p.m. in 250 Spencer W.Kimball Tower.
Admissionis free and the public is welcome. Refreshments will be served in the SWKT lobbyarea following the lecture.
Clark’s lecture will explore these earlypeoples’ spirituality and beliefs about their place in the cosmos and therelevance, or not, of Mesoamerican archaeology to historical claims made in theBook of Mormon.
Clark is aprofessor in the BYU Department of Anthropology. He earned his bachelor’s andmaster’s degrees from BYU in the 1970s and received a doctorate from theUniversity of Michigan in 1994.
He focusesmost of his fieldwork in southernmost Mexico, where he studies ancienteconomies, societies, the origins of government and the nature of everyday lifein Middle America. Clark has written several publications on the claims made inthe Book of Mormon in relation to Mesoamerican archaeology. He is finishing abook about the origins and history of civilization in Mesoamerica.
TheMartin B. Hickman Scholar Award recognizes members of the college faculty whoemulate Hickman’s example. He served for several years as a teacher ofpolitical sciences before he was named dean of the College of Family, Home andSocial Sciences. He helped bring about the success of many programs, includingthe Women’s Research Institute, the David M. Kennedy Center for InternationalStudies, the Family Studies Center and the University’s American Heritageprogram.
For moreinformation, contact Tricia Wilson, (801) 422-1355.
Writer: David Luker