Will discuss “Poverty and Conservation”
M. Sanjayan, lead scientist for The Nature Conservancy, will discuss “Poverty and Conservation” Thursday, Nov. 10 at noon in 456 Martin Building at Brigham Young University.
Sanjayan also has a faculty research appointment at the University of Montana and is a Catto Fellow at the Aspen Institute, where he studies the nexus between conservation efforts and poverty alleviation.
His scientific work has been published in Science, Nature, and Conservation Biology and he has received extensive media coverage from Delta Airline’s Sky Magazine to The New York Times. he was recently profiled in Outside.
A frequent guest on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and the Today Show, he has also appeared on the Late Show with David Letterman and has been featured in several documentaries, most recently hosting and narrating a four-part series on energy, “Powering the Future,” for the Discovery Channel.
This lecture is the first in a series sponsored by a group of BYU faculty who have launched the Environmental Ethics Initiative whose mission is to provide invigorating interdisciplinary scholarship and pedagogy at BYU by increasing awareness of and responsibility for contemporary environmental problems among students and faculty.
The EEI planning committee consists of George Handley (humanities, classics and comparative lterature), Brigham Daniels (law school), Kristin Matthews (English), Rick Gill (biology), Steve Peck (biology), Riley Nelson (biology), Chip Oscarson (humanities, classics and comparative literature) and Tom Yuill (biology).
For more information, contact Lee Simons, (801) 422-2652, lee_simons@byu.edu.
Writer: Lee Simons