“Mysteries of Monster Grove,” an original play by author Rick Walton based on his popular children’s novel, will be shown in the Nelke Theatre at Brigham Young University May 26-June 12.
Tickets for the performances are available through the Fine Arts Ticket Office or at byuarts.com. Tickets for the 7 p.m. showings cost $9-12. There will be dress rehearsal tickets available for $6 Wednesday and Thursday, May 26-27. There will also be $6 matinee tickets available for June 3, 5, 11 and 12. There will be no performances Sundays or Mondays.
“Mysteries of Monster Grove” is an interactive play in which the audience will help solve the mystery by voting at the end of the show. The play is the story of Amelia (Adele Gabriel) whose parents are accountants to some famous and classic monsters like Count Dracula, Frankenstein and the Werewolf.
Things are great in Amelia’s life until the day her father mysteriously vanishes. Amelia sets out to solve the mystery of her father’s disappearance and solve a few other puzzles along the way.
Walton, a Utah-based author, has written 80 books for children. His works include “So Many Mummies,” “Bertie Was a Witchdog,” “A Very Hairy Scary Story” and “Just Me and 6,000 Bats.”
Other cast members include Hailey Isaacson and Mark Tonkinson as Amelia’s parents, Lawrence Fernandez as Frankenstein, Andrea Gunoe as the Ogre, Benjamin Jensen as the Skeleton, Mallory Mackay as the Mummy, James Moore as the Swamp Thing, Danielle Peterson as the Witch, Crysta May Powell as Draculette and Kat Webb as the Werewolf.
“Mysteries of Monster Grove” is directed by Eric Samuelsen with music by Lawrence Fernandez, Mark Tonkinson and Hailey Isaacson. Danniey Wright is production stage manager, and Eric Fielding is scenic designer. Mariane Ohran and Priscilla Hao are lighting and costume designers, respectively.
For more information, contact Ken Crossley at (801) 422- 9348.
Writer: Brandon Garrett