The Brigham Young University Motion Picture Archive Film Series will screen the 1940 feature film “Saps at Sea” and the short comedy “Towed in A Hole” starring Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy for its 14th annual “Evening with Mr. Laurel & Mr. Hardy.” The films will be shown on Friday, April 12, at 7 p.m. in the Harold B. Lee Library auditorium on level one.
Admission is free, but seating is limited. Children age eight and over are welcome. No food or drink is permitted in the auditorium.
The film showing is part of the ongoing BYU Motion Picture Archives Film Series that features this annual offering of classic films starring Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, the longest-running comedy team in motion picture history.
The nautically-themed evening has Laurel & Hardy renting a boat to improve Oliver’s health in “Saps at Sea” (1940). They encounter an escaped convict which sets up the film with plenty of laughs in their final film for comedy king Hal Roach. The 1933 short comedy “Towed in A Hole” has Laurel & Hardy eliminating the middle man in their fish-selling business by refurbishing a dilapidated craft in order to catch the fish themselves.
The BYU Motion Picture Archive Film Series is co-sponsored by L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Friends of the Harold B. Lee Library and Dennis & Linda Gibson.
For more information, contact James D’Arc, 801-422-6371,
Writer: Preston Wittwer