Author of "Chronicles of Prydain" and "The Black Cauldron"
The Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University has announced the opening of its newest exhibit, a unique recreation of author Lloyd Alexander’s office and personal artifacts.
The exhibit will be unveiled Thursday, Jan. 28, at 2 p.m., following a lecture by BYU professors James Jacobs and Michael O. Tunnell titled “Lloyd Alexander: The High King of Fantasy.” The lecture will be held in the Harold B. Lee Library Auditorium on the first floor, followed by a reception and tours of the exhibit. The public is welcome to attend.
Lloyd Alexander, a Newbery Award winner, is the author of more than 40 books for children and young adults, including the popular "Chronicles of Prydain" as well as "The Black Cauldron," which formed the basis of the Disney animated film "The Black Cauldron."
"Alexander’s genuine materials including his desk, papers and manuscripts have been donated to the Harold B. Lee Library to allow students and scholars the opportunity to study and learn from this venerable figure in literature," said Roger Layton of the Lee Library.
The materials have been authentically reassembled in a special exhibit adjacent to the mural "Come Now Let us Reason Together" on the fourth floor of the library. This mural, an iconic feature of the library by Michael Lehnardt, honors Lloyd Alexander and his contribution to adolescent literature.
For more information, contact Roger Layton at 801-422-6687.