How to Connect to Eduroam
Login: Use your netID with; e.g.
Password: Your netID password
Brigham Young University’s Office of Information Technology is currently rolling out an improved WiFi network across campus called eduroam (education roaming) which gives BYU students and employees a better WiFi connection on the BYU campus and at universities worldwide.
Eduroam was specifically developed for the research and education community for the ability to easily connect wirelessly using an encrypted path while at other universities. If your home institution is equipped with eduroam, you can travel to another university and automatically use your home school’s credentials to access the other university’s secure wireless system.
“This keeps you from having to use their guest network where things may not work as well or it might be slow,” said David Andrus, OIT network product manager.
The majority of higher education institutions in Utah use eduroam and about 70 percent of universities in North America also have the system in place. Students and employees only need to register their netID into eduroam once to gain access.
Eduroam is already up and running in a few of the buildings on campus, including the Joseph F. Smith building, David O. McKay building, Smoot Administration Building and Spencer W. Kimball tower. The rollout will continue for the next couple of years and is expected to be completed by the end of 2019.
As eduroam is introduced, OIT is simultaneously deploying “BYU-WiFi” in each building as a wireless network for campus guests who don’t have a netID. Eduroam is an encrypted network and BYU WiFi is an open network, but there isn’t a difference in the connectivity speeds between the two.
The new networks will replace the exiting BYUGuest and BYUSecure networks, but the older networks won’t be disabled until the new networks are up and running.
“This is part of a methodical evolution of wireless strategy and we’ve spent the last year researching and architecting how we were going to implement eduroam,” Andrus said. “This isn’t a knee jerk reaction to the latest and greatest technology available. It’s going to set us up for future technological advancement as well.”
Visit OIT for more information on the BYU wireless networks or connecting to eduroam.