Commemorating 50 years of Brown v. Board of Education
A presentation and discussion regarding the 1954 Supreme Court ruling "Brown v. Board of Education" will be held Monday, May 17, from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the David O. McKay Building auditorium (room 115) on the Brigham Young University campus.
Sponsored by the BYU McKay School of Education, the presentations and discussion will focus on various aspects of the Brown decision, which abolished state-sponsored segregation in schools.
The presentation is free and the public is invited to attend.
The event will open with a discussion about Charles Houston, the man who established the legal foundation that would lead to the Brown decision, said Scott Ferrin, a BYU professor of law and education.
Following the discussion, the video "Road to Brown" will be shown.
After the video, three brief panel presentations will be conducted on current legal issues and barriers affecting desegregation of schools; the sociological aspects and impacts of integration as a goal and outcome; and the impact of "Brown v. Board of Education" on the rights of individuals with disabilities in education.
The panel will include Clifford Mayes, an associate professor of educational leadership and foundations at BYU; Betty Ashbaker, an associate professor of counseling psychology and special education; and Ferrin.
A question-and-answer session will follow the panel presentation.
For more information, call Scott Ferrin at (801) 422-4804.
Writer: Thomas Grover