Brigham Young University will celebrate Homecoming this fall with opening ceremonies Tuesday, Oct. 5, that will launch a busy week of events, culminating in a football game against San Diego State Saturday, Oct. 9. The entire week focuses on the theme “Dare to Discover,” which reflects the legacy of Harvey Fletcher, this year’s Honored Founder.
“Harvey Fletcher was a man of discovery who never shied away from tackling big questions,” said John C. Lewis, BYU’s associate advancement vice president and the executive director of the Homecoming committee. “We looked for a theme that encompassed not only the curiosity that underlies discovery, but also the unbridled courage that brings results. We can’t all be the father of stereophonic sound. But we can all continually dare to discover the significant truths that enrich our lives.”
During Homecoming, alumni and students are invited to discover and rediscover their alma mater, whether by attending reunions, the Spectacular, the parade or any of the other Homecoming events.
Tuesday of Homecoming week will include the opening ceremonies at 11:05 a.m. with a free student barbecue immediately following and a hike to light the “Y” beginning at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 6 will feature noonday activities and a Mr. BYU contest, and Oct. 7 events include Honored Alumni Lectures at 11 a.m. sponsored by each college and the BYU Spectacular.
The Spectacular, featuring various BYU performing groups, will be a highlight of the week, with shows Oct. 7 and 8 at 7:30 p.m. in the Marriott Center. For tickets, visit
On Oct. 9 alumni, students and friends will also enjoy noonday activities, reunions and Homecoming dances at 8:30 p.m.
Homecoming will wrap up Saturday, Oct. 9, after a full day that includes a Kids' Race at 8:45 a.m., the Cougar Run at 9:45 a.m., a free blue-pancake breakfast at 8:30 a.m., the parade at 10 a.m., two tailgate parties, the 4 p.m. football game, reunions and dances.
For details, visit
Writer: Charlene Winters