Books' screen rights optioned by Disney
Best-selling author and adventurer Doug Stanton will be speaking at Brigham Young University Wednesday, April 7, at noon in 238 Herald R. Clark Building.
Stanton is the author of “In Harm’s Way: The Sinking of the USS Indianapolis and the Extraordinary Story of Its Survivors,” a New York Times bestseller. He most also recently published “Horse Soldiers,” the story of a small group of Special Forces soldiers who secretly entered Afghanistan shortly after 9/11. They went to war on horses against the Taliban, were outnumbered 40 to one and eventually captured the city of Mazar-i-Sharif. Both books have been acquired by Disney for screen rights.
He is also a contributing editor at “Men’s Journal” and writes on travel, sports, entertainment and history. Through his research he has nearly drowned in Cape Horn waters, survived a mugging by jungle revolutionaries, played basketball with George Clooney, been employed as a caretaker for Robert Frosts’ house in Vermont and taken an acting lesson from Harrison Ford.
Stanton received a master’s degree from the University of Iowa Writer’s Workshop and has also taught writing at the college level.
For more information, contact Lee Simons at (801) 422-2652.
Writer: Brandon Garrett