Bishop Dean M. Davies, First Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, spoke at the BYU Devotional Tuesday afternoon at the Marriott Center. Bishop Davies said by turning our hearts to God, He will bless our lives and use them to bless others lives.
Bishop Davies shared some experiences he had when he worked for the Church obtaining properties for new temples. In the two stories he shared - about the Philadelphia and El Salvador temples - Bishop Davies said he came to a point where he had done all he could personally do to obtain land for the two temples to be built. However, barriers still stood in the way of obtaining the properties they felt inspired to build the temple on.
"I have been in situations where all appears lost---where it seems that nothing you can do or say will make a difference," he said. "What I have learned in these situations is that if you are on the Lord's errand, do all that you can do with the talents and abilities God has given you, and then lift up your heart and plead for God to hear your prayer and intervene on your behalf---even though you may appear to be outnumbered, even though it appears that all may be lost, our beloved Father in Heaven will reach out and take you by the hand. He will fight your battles. He will come to your aid."
Bishop Davies concluded his address with this promise:
"If you will but incline your hearts to your Father in Heaven, if you will strive each day to love and follow Him more perfectly, if you will in compassion and kindness share the burdens and lift up the hands of those who are struggling around you, then the Lord God of Heaven will direct your paths," he said.
If you missed Bishop Davies' address, you can watch it on
Next Week's Devotional: Leslee Thorne-Murphy, Associate Professor, English Department
The next BYU Devotional address will be held on Tuesday, November 10, at 11:05 a.m., in the Marriott Center.
Leslee Thorne-Murphy, associate professor in the English Department, will deliver the Devotional address.
Her remarks will be broadcast live on BYUtv,, KBYU-TV 11, Classical 89 FM, BYU Radio.