Living Legends, a performing group at Brigham Young University celebrating the Polynesian, Native American and Latin American cultures, will perform Friday and Saturday, Jan. 15-16, at 7:30 p.m. in the de Jong Concert Hall.
Tickets are $11, $10 or $8 with a BYU or student ID and can be purchased online at
The Living Legends program includes individual dance numbers from North America (especially Alaska); islands such as Fiji, Samoa, Hawaii, New Zealand and Tonga; and Latin American countries including Ecuador, Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia and Bolivia.
Living Legends members are of Native American, Latin American or Polynesian heritage. Their performances reflect the changing seasons experienced by ancient cultures, weaving together legends of the past with the reality of today, according to artistic director Janielle Christensen.
For more than 35 years, Living Legends has performed throughout the United States and in more than 45 foreign countries. Featured on national TV in China, Eastern Europe and Latin America, it represented the United States at the 1992 World's Fair in Seville, Spain, and at the 1991 German-American Volksfest in Berlin.
For more information, contact Janielle Christensen at (801) 422-2570 or
Writer: Ricardo Castro