Brigham Young University has announced the following faculty advancements in rank which will be effective Sept. 1, 2013.
For more information on this list, call the office of Associate Academic Vice President Craig H. Hart at (801) 422-3567.
DAVID O McKAY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION — Tina T. Dyches, professor, counseling psychology and special education; Scott E. Ferrin and Julie M. Hite, professor, educational leadership and foundations; Charles R. Graham, professor, instructional psychology and technology; and Peter J. Rich, associate professor, instructional psychology and technology.
IRA A. FULTON COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY — Michael P. Miles, professor, School of Technology; Anton E. Bowden, associate professor, mechanical engineering; and David A. Penry, associate professor, electrical and computer engineering.
FAMILY, HOME AND SOCIAL SCIENCES — Jason Carroll, E. Jeffrey Hill and Larry J. Nelson, professor, School of Family Life; Ryan R. Jensen and Samuel M. Otterstrom, professor, geography; Lars J. Lefgren, professor, economics; George R. Ryskamp, professor, history; Sven E. Wilson, professor, political science; Sarah M. Coyne, associate professor, School of Family Life; Rebecca L. DeSchweinitz, Amy B. Harris and Aaron H. Skabelund, associate professor, history; Lance D. Erickson, associate professor, sociology; Christopher G. Hodson, associate professor, history; Christopher F. Karpowitz, associate professor, political science; and Brennan C. Platt, Jaren C. Pope and Joseph P. Price, associate professor, economics
FINE ARTS AND COMMUNICATIONS — April D. Clayton and Christian B. Smith, professor, music; Gayle Lockwood, teaching professor, music; George D. Nelson, professor, theatre and media arts; Thomas B. Russell, teaching professor, theatre and media arts; Brent K. Barson and Heather Jensen, associate professor, visual arts; and Jeremy N. Grimshaw, Diane T. Reich and Neil S. Thornock, associate professor, music.
HUMANITIES — Scott M. Alvord, associate professor, Spanish and Portuguese; Nancy L. Christiansen, Brian D. Jackson and Stephen B. Tuttle, associate professor, English; Nathaniel T. Kramer, Francesca S. Lawson and Christopher P. Oscarson, associate professor, humanities, classics and comparative literature; Jack. C. Stoneman, associate professor, Asian and Near Eastern languages; and Shu-Pei Wang, associate teaching professor, Asian and Near Eastern languages
J. Gordon Daines and Rachel L. Wadham, senior librarian; and Melissa A. Kopp, William B. Lund, Rebecca Schroeder and Peter A. Zuber, associate librarian.
Lora Beth Brown, professor, nutrition, dietetics and food science; Bryan G. Hopkins and Brock R. McMillan, professor, plant and wildlife sciences; Iain Hunter, professor, exercise sciences; David L. Kooyman, professor, physiology and developmental biology; Rosemary Thackeray, professor, health science; Mike T. Diede, associate teaching professor, exercise sciences; Jeff G. Edwards and Paul R. Reynolds, associate professor, physiology and developmental biology; A. Wayne Johnson, associate professor, exercise sciences; Rickelle Richards, associate professor, nutrition, dietetics and food science; and Samuel B. St. Clair, associate professor, plant and wildlife sciences
MARRIOTT SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT — Conan C. Albrecht, professor, information systems; Eric D. DeRosia and Cynthia J. Wallin, associate professor, business management; and Peter J. Ward, associate professor, recreation management.
NURSING — Cheryl A. Corbett and Karen M. Lundberg, associate teaching professor; and Barbara A. Heise, associate professor.
PHYSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES — Barry R. Bickmore, professor, geological sciences; Steven L. Castle, professor, chemistry and biochemistry; Denise M. Halverson, professor, mathematics; Michael D. Joner, research professor, physics and astronomy; Kenneth J. Rodham, teaching professor, computer science; Quinn O. Snell, professor, computer science; Richard R. Vanfleet, professor, physics and astronomy; R. Todd Bronson, associate teaching professor, chemistry and biochemistry; Douglas L. Corey, associate professor, mathematics education; David A. Engler, associate professor, statistics; Todd L. Fisher and Jessica S. Purcell, associate professor, mathematics; Jeffrey H. Macedone, associate teaching professor, chemistry and biochemistry; James E. Patterson, associate professor, chemistry and biochemistry; and Summer B. Rupper, associate professor, geological sciences.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION — Daniel L. Belnap, associate professor, ancient scripture.
STUDENT LIFE — Dianne L. Nielsen and Tyler R. Pedersen, clinical professor, Counseling and Career Center; and Thomas R. Golightly and Dallas R. Jensen, associate clinical professor, Counseling and Career Center.