Brigham Young University has announced the following faculty advancements in rank for the 2006-2007 academic year:
Biology and Agriculture—Duke S. Rogers, professor, integrative biology; Mark C. Belk, professor, integrative biology; Craig Coleman, associate professor, plant and animal sciences; Allan M. Judd, professor, physiology and developmental biology; Lynn V. Ogden, professor, nutrition, dietetics and food science; Steven L. Peck, associate professor, integrative biology.
David O. McKay School Of Education—Julie M. Hite, associate professor, educational leadership and foundations; Richard R. Sudweeks, professor, instructional psychology and technology; Janet R. Young, associate professor, teacher education.
Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology—Richard Fry and Steven L. Shumway, associate professor, technology; Barry M. Lunt, professor, technology; Michael D. Rice, professor, electrical and computer engineering; Karl F. Warnick, associate professor, electrical and computer engineering.
Family, Home and Social Sciences—Claudia Clayton, associate teaching professor, psychology; Renata T. Forste, professor, sociology; Larry Nelson, associate professor, family life-MFHD; J. Matthew Shumway, professor, geography; Patrick Steffan, associate professor, psychology.
Fine Arts and Communications—Garold Barton, professor, visual arts; Peter Everett, associate professor, visual arts; Rosalind Hall, associate professor, music; Gayle Lockwood, associate teaching professor, music; Thomas E. Robinson II, associate professor, communications; Linda Sullivan, professor, visual arts.
Health and Human Performance—Diane Chamberlain, teaching professor, exercise sciences; Patti A. Freeman, professor, recreation management and youth leadership; Rosemary Thackeray, associate professor, health science.
Humanities—R. Kirk Belnap, professor, Asian & Near Eastern languages; Mark Davies, professor, linguistics and English language; George B. Handley, professor, humanities, classics and comparative literature; Daryl P. Lee, associate professor, French and Italian; Brett C. McInelly, associate professor, English; Marc L. Olivier, associate professor, French and Italian; Kerry Soper, associate professor, humanities, classics and comparative literature; Gregory Stallings, associate professor, Spanish and Portuguese; Melvin J. Thorne, teaching professor, linguistics and English language.
J. Reuben Clark Law School—John Fee, professor; Carl Hernandez, senior faculty administrator; Mary H. Hoagland, senior faculty administrator.
Harold B. Lee Library—J. Michael Hunter and Thomas C. Wright, senior librarian.
Nursing—Kent Blad, associate teaching professor.
Physical and Mathematical Sciences—Philip R. Brown, associate teaching professor, chemistry and biochemistry; Eric G. Hintz and Eric W. Hirschmann, associate professor, physics and astronomy; Tyler J. Jarvis, professor, mathematics; Charles Knutson, associate professor, computer science; Matthew R. Linford, associate professor, chemistry and biochemistry; Perpetua Lynne Nielsen, associate teaching professor, statistics; Kent E. Seamons, associate professor, computer science; Daniel Siebert, associate professor, mathematics education; Barry M. Willardson, professor, chemistry and biochemistry; Adam T. Woolley, associate professor, chemistry and biochemistry.
Religious Education—Steven C. Harper, associate professor, Church history and doctrine; Ray L. Huntington and Clyde J. Williams, professor, ancient scripture; Stanley A. Johnson and Byron R. Merrill, teaching professor, ancient scripture; Jerome M. Perkins, teaching professor, Church history and doctrine; Thomas A. Wayment, associate professor, ancient scripture.
Marriott School of Management—John A. Barrick and T. Jeffrey Wilks, associate professor, accountancy; David M. Cottrell, teaching professor, accountancy; Todd Mitton and Keith P. Vorkink, associate professor, business management.
Student Life—Mark E. Beecher, associate clinical professor. If you have any questions about this list, contact Richard N. Williams, associate academic vice president-faculty, at ext. 2-3567.