Do you or your department have budget constraints or concerns that have caused you to put your internship program improvement plans on hold? If so, the BYU Internship Office has funding available in 2011 for Internship Grants up to $15,000.
The funding is available to help departments develop, improve and expand programs as well as establish credible internship programs where there currently are none. Funding can be applied to develop infrastructure or to strengthen supervision of internships.
Application guidelines are available at
Funding can be applied to wages (for adjunct faculty or part-time faculty, administrative or student assistants), supplies and equipment and travel. Funding cannot be used to reimburse students for internship costs. All proposals must demonstrate some commitment of department resources to internships.
Applications are due Feb. 7, 2011, at the Internship Office, 5435 HBLL, or by e-mail to The Internship Advisory Committee will review proposals and notify all applicants about final decisions by March 28, 2011.
Funding will be distributed in mid-April 2011 for departments to use during the reminder of the calendar year.
For more information, contact Adrienne Swaney, University Internship Office, ext. 2-1480,
Writer: Adrienne Swaney