The Folk Music Ensembles at Brigham Young University will be performing Friday, Nov. 9, at 7:30 p.m. in the Madsen Recital Hall. The two ensembles featured in the performance are Siuil, BYU’s Irish band, and Mountain Strings.
Tickets for the event are available online at
Siuil is a 12-person band that plays mostly Irish music, but also includes music from Canada, England and Scotland. They will play seven traditional pieces, including “Meitheamh,” “The Soldier’s Song” and “Scottish Highland Pipe Solo.”
After a brief intermission, Mountain Strings will perform. The ensemble consists of eight students who sing and play a variety of traditional folk instruments including the fiddle, mandolin, banjo, dulcimer, guitar, harmonica, accordion, bass and bodhran (a Celtic drum).
The Mountain Strings will perform nine traditional pieces, including “I’ll Fly Away,” “Glory Bound,” “I Don’t Love Nobody” and “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing.”
The group performs a wide array of musical genres including Appalachian folk, blues, bluegrass, Cajun, jazz, country, Celtic, French-Canadian and American New England styles, as well as other traditional American music.
The Folk Music Ensemble was formed in 1982 to accompany BYU’s International Folk Dance Ensemble with live music on its international tours. The ensemble continues to play with the dancers but also performs regularly to local audiences.
Both ensembles are directed by Mark Geslison, who also arranges most of the music performed with the members of the ensembles.
For more information, contact Ken Crossley at (801) 422-9348 or e-mail
Writer: Preston Wittwer