Brother M. Joseph Brough, Second Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency, delivered Tuesday’s BYU Devotional address. He spoke about the influence of women as teachers and as examples of discipleship and strength.
Brough introduced his topic with a personal anecdote. When he was a young teenager, he lived on a cattle ranch with his family. Once, when herding cows with his parents, his mother fell. The cow they were attempting to corral ran away from the family. Brough’s father ordered him to turn back toward the cow. His mother replied, “We are going to the house.”
Which parent did Brough listen to? “I made the correct choice,” he said. “I followed my mother!”
“I believe that some of Heavenly Father’s greatest warriors today could be called ‘the modern mighty women of Israel,’” said Brough, referring to King David’s “mighty men” in the Old Testament. “With the battle raging between good and evil, I have seen many a modern mighty woman stick her banner in the ground . . . as she takes a stand and defends the doctrine of Jesus Christ.”
One of the commandments is to honor thy father and mother. Brough said that one way to bring honor to our mothers is by living the commandments. Both men and women can find joy in honoring the mighty women of Israel in their lives.
In his own life, his mother and grandmother have been examples of mighty women of Israel who taught him how to live the gospel. His mother was always filled with faith and taught him the importance of tithing. His grandmother made sacrifices to support missionary work, which taught him the importance of sharing the gospel. Their examples influenced many to come unto Christ.
Brough then turned his comments to specifically address women. He said that not all women will look and act the same as they become mighty women of Israel. The settings, challenges and circumstances of each life are unique to the plan Heavenly Father has for that individual. He suggested four potential settings where women might need to use their strength to be modern might women of Israel:
- the workplace.
- in the face of great tragedy.
- in a leadership role.
- in the home.
Brother Brough closed with an invitation for audience members to text their mothers to say “I love you.” He also invited audience members to reach out and thank another modern mighty woman of Israel who has influenced their faith and commitment to the Savior.
Next Forum: Unforum
The last campus assembly of the semester will be on Tuesday, April 16, at 11:05 a.m. in the Marriott Center. Celebrate the end of the semester and enjoy a variety of performances from different BYU groups. The winners of this year's Brigham Awards will also be recognized. The annual spring UnForum will not be broadcast on BYUtv.