The former Provo High School facility, along University Avenue, has now been turned over to Brigham Young University.
BYU acquired the PHS property in 2016. The university then leased the property back to Provo School District until a new high school campus was completed in west Provo.
“No immediate plans have been made for the future of the facility, but discussions are underway,” said Brian K. Evans, BYU CFO and administrative vice president. “Limited temporary use of the office space and activity areas in the school will take place.”

Subject to future facility plans, public use of the tennis courts, track and athletic fields will be allowed, consistent with other current BYU athletic facilities. Signs will be posted with available times, and limited visitor parking will be provided. The inside facilities will not be available for public use.
The existing north parking lot, bordered by Bulldog Boulevard and University Avenue, will include U-zone parking (free to BYU students who are registered for parking).
In addition to the high school property, the old Provo seminary building is in the process of approval for transfer to BYU ownership. The seminary building will serve two young single adult wards of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and fulfill other potential purposes.