BYU's 26th annual Education Week comes to a close on Friday. Here are some of the inspiring lessons attendees learned from their classes.
1. "As you use your patriarchal blessing prayerfully, as you fast and read it, the Spirit can take you beyond the words on the page into revelation."
Getting More out of Your Patriarchal BlessingAlonso L. Gaskill
2. “Video games can be bad regardless of whether or not they make people do bad things. Video games that are good have messages that invite us to reflect on our lives. Good video game-playing with your kids may turn an otherwise isolating experience into a bonding experience.”
Humanities in the Digital Age: Video Games and the LDS FamilyMichael Call
3. "When we do our investing with our view that it is part of the gospel of Christ, are we making it holy? The answer is yes."
Beginning Investing: A Principles Based ApproachBryan L. Sudweeks
4. "We need to learn how to be charitable and compassionate with ourselves just as we would be charitable and compassionate with our friends."
The Why, How and What of Stress: Making it a Positive ExperiencePatrick R. Steffen
5. “When we become a slave to sin, Christ purchases us, frees us, but more than that He helps us become sons and daughters of God. Here God says, ‘Not only will I free you, but I will make you royalty.’”
Paul on the AtonementRichard Neitzel Holzapfel

6. “Sisters, the doctrine says you are not some twisted version of Heavenly Father. You are a perfect version of Heavenly Mother. Your destiny is not first counselor-hood. Your destiny is Godhood. That is powerful doctrine.”
The Doctrine of the Family: The Nature of Heavenly Father and Mother as a Guide to Our Eternal Destiny
Michael A. Goodman
7. “A lot of people think you have to be a lawyer or a politician when it comes to making a difference with religious freedom, and that is absolutely not true…. Getting involved is really simple if you first take stock of your own interests and activities. What do you do on a daily basis that may give you opportunities to support religious freedom?”
Religious Liberty: What You Can Do to Defend Our First FreedomHannah C. Smith
8. “Just because you have afflictions doesn’t mean that heaven is distant or that God’s not aware and doesn’t care. But it means that He’s aware, that He’s powerful, that He’s shaping you…. Heaven is never as far away as mortality makes it seem.”
When Heaven Seems Distant: Principles and Practices for Connecting With GodTyler Griffin
9. “We make more progress by enhancing our strengths than by dwelling on our weaknesses.”
Dealing with Imperfections in Ourselves and OthersGaylamarie G. Rosenberg
10. “Know God, know happiness. No God, no happiness. We must allow Him to lift us up when the great storms of life come to us.”
Music: A Conduit from Heaven to HeartDebbie Bastian, Lori Hales, Me’Chel Musgrave

11. “We come to know God’s love as we come to embrace and understand our own identity. Knowing and believing that we are sons and daughters of God with the potential to become like Him safeguards against isolation and Satan’s attacks.”
Seeing Yourself as You Really Are, and as You Really Can BeJennifer Brinkerhoff Platt
12. “True repentance comes not from fear of the wrath of God or whatever the others say…. It comes when we love God and have a sincere desire to be like Him. Not because we are afraid of Him or want to be better than other people—it is all because of love.”
The Lord’s Path to Healing and ChangeLaurie Prusso Hatch
13. “Communication isn’t just talking; it’s about building your loved ones up and giving them sustenance.”
Marriage and Family: Improving RelationshipsDavid Fawcett
14. “We need to look up in faith and not down in fear. We tend to go where we are facing, and if we are looking down we are focusing too much on the devil and not looking toward God.”
Relevant Lessons for Latter-Day Saints from C.S. LewisTyler Griffin
15. “We are not broken when we are in process. We are growing. We are becoming.”
The Doctrine of the Family: What the Fall Teaches Us about the Eternal Family
Michael A. Goodman