In her devotional address at the Marriott Center, Barbara Morgan Gardner began by sharing a few personal stories about her mom and her own life. She wanted the audience to see how “individuals can uniquely walk the covenant path and be leaders in God’s kingdom.”

Gardner, a professor of Religious Education, then shared five principles that can be instrumental in accessing the Lord’s help, becoming endowed with His power and being able to fulfill our unique purposes. She posed questions after teaching each principle to help audience members them personally reflect on them.
Principle 1: You are a child of God, born to lead
Quoting an address from President Russell M. Nelson to the young adults of the Church, Gardner read, “Make no mistake about it: your potential is divine. With your diligent seeking, God will give you glimpses of who you may become.”
Gardner testified that God knows each of His children by name and that those who have entered into a covenant with the Lord have a unique leadership role in the gathering of Israel and in the bringing forth of the Savior’s Second Coming.
Questions to ponder: “How has God shown you that He knows you? What is your unique role in this gathering?"
Principle 2: Learning to “Hear Him” is necessary to fulfill your unique errand
To become endowed with God’s power, all must learn to hear the voice of the Lord, taught Gardner. She shared how she invited her students to seek personal revelation just as the Prophet Joseph Smith once did, by finding a quiet place, and then pouring out their hearts to their Heavenly Father.
One of Gardner's students shared their experience of learning how to better hear the Lord. “I learned most of all that I was very capable of hearing the voice of the Lord when I put forth effort to do so. . . Even though I was not perfect at doing this plan, I came to notice that the Lord values every little effort that we make to hear Him and come closer to Him. I feel like I am getting closer to the Lord and better at hearing His voice, and that I am fortified against temptation, and more susceptible to the Spirit.”
Questions to ponder: “What are you doing to Hear Him? How is He guiding you to lead?”

Principle 3: Leading requires courage, effort and power from Christ
Accessing His power takes effort, declared Gardner. President Nelson instructed, “Our focus must be riveted on the Savior and His gospel. … It is mentally rigorous to strive to look unto Him in every thought. When you reach up for the Lord’s power in your life with the same intensity that a drowning person has when grasping and gasping for air, power from Jesus Christ will be yours.”
Gardner taught that our eyes are riveted on the Savior when we study about Him, His doctrine and teachings and when we live according to those teachings. Following Christ and staying aligned with His prophets are necessary to access His power and fulfill the purpose He has for each of us.
Questions to ponder: “How are you keeping your eyes riveted on the Savior? Where do you stand?”
Principle 4: God’s power is gained through keeping covenants
Keeping sacred covenants and commandments may not satisfy our cravings in the moment, but this is proof of God’s love for us, explained Gardner. His laws are meant to help us become like Him, and as we keep His commandments, we can ultimately receive a fulness of freedom and joy.
“God loves infinitely because His capacity and power is infinite. Christ has a fullness of power, including a fullness of love in part because of His choice to drink the bitter cup, clearly demonstrating that even He was willing to do the will of the Father over His own. In our lives, there is no cup more bitter than His love can overcome.”
Question to ponder: “How have you received God’s power through keeping your covenants?”
Principle 5: Endowed with His power, we lead as joint-heirs with and perfected in Christ
Gardner testified that the purpose of priesthood power, or Christ’s power, is to save souls. It is not simply just about making and keeping covenants, but entering into binding covenant relationships, with our Heavenly Father and our family members.
“As we continue along the covenant path, entering into and keeping the new and everlasting covenant of marriage according to God’s law, we become one with those who shall be gods, ‘because they have no end; therefore, shall they be from everlasting to everlasting, because they continue; then shall they be above all, because all things are subject unto them. Then shall they be gods, because they have all power.’ We will be leaders in the greatest role, parents.”
Questions to ponder: “How is Christ perfecting you? How are you leading out in love?”