Celebrate the magic of the Christmas season at BYU with festive music and inspiring events.
Whether you're looking for a family-friendly concert or a meaningful service project, BYU has the perfect holiday event just for you. The best part? Most of these experiences won't cost you a dime!

Christmas in Nauvoo FHE
December 2
7p; Education in Zion Gallery JFSB
Details: Visit multiple activity stations in the Education in Zion Gallery in the JFSB to learn how Christmas was celebrated in the nineteenth century.
Caroling, craft activities, refreshments, and storytelling bring Nauvoo to life as we remember the reason for the season. Drop in between 7 and 9 p.m.
Navidad Azul
December 4
7p; Reynolds Auditorium HBLL
Details: This is a celebration of Christmas cultures with live music and poetry readings in Spanish and Portuguese.
The French Choir Concert
December 5
6p; WSC Terrace
Details: Beautiful Christmas music will be performed by the French Choir.
Celebration of Christmas — Ticketed + Live Streamed
December 5
7p; Concert Hall MB
December 6
7:30p; Concert Hall MB
December 7
3 + 7:30p; Concert Hall MB
Details: The BYU combined choirs and Philharmonic present this well-loved annual concert celebrating the sounds of the holiday season. All days/times of this show are currently sold out. It can be watched via livestream at this link
Christmas Around the World — Tickets Required
December 6
7:30p; Marriott Center
December 7
2 + 7:30p; Marriott Center
Details: Join us for the annual Christmas celebration of cultural dance and music traditions performed by the BYU International Folk Dance Ensembles with Mountain Strings. Featuring over 180 student performers, this audience favorite is the longest-running Christmas tradition on campus. Preshow activities will take place in the concourse one hour prior to the show. This year’s special guest performers include Rhythm ’N’ Soul, BYU’s Africana performing team, and Rocky Mountain Express Cloggers. [Tickets
“Miracle on 34th Street,” 1947 — Free
December 6
7p; Reynolds Auditorium HBLL
Tuba Christmas — Free
December 7
12p; Recital Hall MB
Details: This free concert features BYU’s students and faculty tubaists performing traditional carols, classical Christmas pieces, and new holiday standards from film and TV.
Harp Ensemble — Free
December 7
5 + 7p; Recital Hall MB
Details: Celebrate the Christmas season with the BYU Harp Ensembles as students and faculty perform familiar holiday tunes, original compositions, and creative student arrangements on anywhere from two to 12 harps.
German Adventsingen
December 8
8p; Concert Hall MB
Details: Join in on the 50th anniversary of traditional music and readings for the Christmas season from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Jazz Ensemble: Swingin’ in the Holidays! — Tickets Required
December 11
7:30p; Concert Hall MB
Details: Tired of shopping already? Feeling a little too much hustle in the bustle? Well, let us help you get a little more bounce in your step and holiday pep rollin’! Join the Jazz Ensemble for an evening of jazzy and effervescent fun! [Tickets
Christmas Service Activity
December 12
1p; 3280/3290 WSC
Details: This Christmas season, BYU is partnering with Family Haven and Transitional Services to bring joy and support to those in need. Join in a meaningful service where employees will come together to build advocacy pinwheels, make blankets and assemble hygiene kits.
Italian Christmas Concert
December 15
6:30p; St. Mary’s Episcopal Church