Name: Tiffany Turley Bowcut
BYU employee since: December 2014
My job at BYU is… Title IX coordinator, which means I oversee all reports of sexual harassment, including sexual violence, as well as any issue of sex discrimination more broadly on campus. It's definitely not the most fun job, but it's one that is meaningful. And, as a side note, having been in this role for over five years makes me one of the longest-serving Title IX coordinators in the whole country!
I’m currently working on… implementing mandatory training for all employees on sexual harassment (which I’m hoping will be followed by mandatory training for all students) and creating more effective and educational options for Title IX sanctions.
When I have 30 minutes of free time, you can find me… playing with my two kiddos, especially outside if the weather is nice. Lately, their favorite thing is playing with bubbles — mine too!

I’m currently reading… “How Will You Measure Your Life?” by Clayton M. Christensen.
I get most excited about my work when… I feel I am able to contribute in a unique way that makes a difference in people’s lives.
My advice to incoming freshmen is… the university has so many resources available to support you in your university journey! If ever there is something you need, don’t hesitate to seek it out because it probably exists. We’re all here to help you be successful.
My advice to graduating seniors is… cherish each season of your life and let the Spirit be your guide. Whether it’s career or family or more education, there is beauty to be found in each step of the journey, and there is always good to be done wherever you are if you’re willing to let the Lord guide your path.
I became a BYU fan when… I was born! My parents were students here when I was born, so I’ve been a Cougar since day one. :)
My go-to BYU Creamery ice cream flavor is… Graham Canyon, hands down! (That says a lot, because I’m actually not an ice cream fan in general.)
My favorite spot on campus is… the walking path along the south/southwest end of campus because it’s simply beautiful with all the trees and waterfalls, and it’s also surprisingly quiet, which makes it a great place to go when I need a quick break from the heaviness of my work.

On Saturday mornings you’ll find me… spinning at HOTWORX at 5:30 am before my kids wake up, and then jumping into Saturday chores and motherhood when I get home!
You’ll never find me without… my chapstick and sunglasses.
The title of my autobiography would be… “Life Is Hard, But God Is Good.”
I’m most looking forward to… watching my sweet kiddos grow up and having a front-row seat to see the amazing things they will do in the Lord’s kingdom.
My favorite quote is… “A ship is safest at the harbor, but that’s not what ships were made for.”
One Two items on my bucket list are… to visit 75 temples and serve a mission with my husband.