There are five locations around the globe where people reach the age of 100 at 10 times greater rates than U.S. averages. These Blue Zones, as they are called, are home to the healthiest people on earth:
- Okinawa, Japan
- Sardinia, Italy
- Nicoya, Costa Rica
- Loma Linda, California
- Ikaria, Greece
Led by BYU public health professor Randy Page, a group of BYU Wellness and Exercise students traveled to one of those five blue zones this past summer, learning about longevity and health from the very happy and energetic people of Ikaria, Greece.
After returning, the students have become anxious to share what they learned with fellow students and employees at BYU. Here is a little of what they learned; 10 tips for living the lifestyle of those in a blue zone, and a few bonus recipes for healthy eating. The recipes come from CookinAthens.com

- Surround yourself with people who value a healthy lifestyle
- Value your mealtime and be sure to enjoy it together
- Stay physically active
- Take time to be outside every day
- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
- Grow a garden
- Have a colorful meal with at least four foods
- Eat what’s in season
- Start every day with gratitude
- Make your food with love
Interested in going on a similar study abroad experience? Check out the programs offered by the Kennedy Center, including this trip to the Mediterranean Blue Zone: