What’s New At BYU for March 2008
Sunday, March 2
Julie B. Beck, General President of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will speak at a CES Fireside at 6 p.m. in the Marriott Center. The event will be broadcast live on BYU Television and BYU Radio. For rebroadcast times, visit byubroadcasting.org.
Tuesday, March 4
BYU accounting professor Kevin D. Stocks will deliver a devotional address at 11:05 a.m. in the Marriott Center. The devotional will be broadcast live on the BYU broadcasting networks. For rebroadcast information, visit byubroadcasting.org.
Tuesday through Saturday, March 4-8
International Cinema will show “Hunger,” “Los Olvidados,” “Solyaris” and “Solaris” in 250 Spencer W. Kimball Tower. All shows are free. For showtimes, call (801) 422-5751 or visit ic.byu.edu. Foreign language films are shown with subtitles. International Cinema is sponsored by the College of Humanities.
Wednesday, March 5
Acoustic Explosion will be hosted in the Traditions Lounge at 7 p.m. The event is free but seating is limited, so come early and enjoy some of the best acoustic talent on campus. For more info, contact the Student Activities Board at (801) 422-3122 or visit the Website at stab.byu.edu.
The McKay School of Education is sponsoring a presentation by psychologist William Glasser. It will be held 4-5 p.m. in the Harold B. Lee Library Auditorium. His topic is “Every Teacher Can Succeed.”
Wednesday through Friday, March 5-7
The International Field Studies 10th Annual Inquiry Conference will be held daily from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in 238 Herald R. Clark Building sponsored by the David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies.
Thursday, March 6
The Women's Studies Film Series will show "Standing on My Sisters’Shoulders" in 1161 Joseph F. Smith Building at noon. Admission is free
Friday, March 7
Todd Petersen will present a lecture at noon in the HBLL auditorium. This lecture is a part of the English Department’s Reading Series featuring outstanding writers and poets. For more information, contact Tessa Hauglid at (801) 422-4939.
Saturday, March 8
A Passover Seder Service Workshop will be held at 10 a.m. in 3228 Wilkinson Student Center. Victor L. Ludlow will provide ideas and suggestions for individuals interested in teaching more about or conducting Passover Seder Services on their own. A packet of materials will be provided. Tickets, which must be purchased 4 days prior to the event, are $10, will include a luncheon and will be available in 271 JSB.
Monday, March 10
Women’s Services and Resources is hosting “A Celebration of Talent: Women's Talent Show,” for Women's History Month in the WSC Terrace at noon.
Tuesday, March 11
Terry Ball, dean of Religious Education at BYU, will deliver a devotional address at 11:05 a.m. in the Marriott Center. The devotional will be broadcast live on the BYU broadcasting networks. For rebroadcast information, visit byubroadcasting.org.
Tuesday through Saturday, March 11-15
International Cinema will show "Hello, Hemingway," "Au Petit Marguery," "Gojira,""Godzilla, King of Monsters!" and "Godzilla" in 250 Spencer W. Kimball Tower. All shows are free. For showtimes, call (801) 422-5751 or visit ic.byu.edu. Foreign language films are shown with subtitles. International Cinema is sponsored by the College of Humanities.
Wednesday, March 12
“The Princess Bride” will be screened at 7 p.m. in the Varsity Theatre for $1. Students can test their “Princess Bride” knowledge with a trivia contest at 7 p.m. Prizes will be awarded to the people who can answer the most inconceivable “Princess Bride” questions. The movie will start at 7:30. For more info, contact the Student Activities Board at (801) 422-3122 or visit the Website at stab.byu.edu
Gary Bouma, professor of sociology at Monash University, Australia, will give a lecture on “Interreligious Understanding” at noon in 238 Herald R. Clark Building.
Bill Tsutsui, Department of History chair and executive director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Kansas, will give a lecture on “Godzilla and Postwar Japanese Culture” at 2 p.m. in 238 Herald R. Clark Building. The lecture will be followed by a 3 p.m. screening of "Gojira," the first version of Godzilla, filmed in 1954.
Wednesday through Saturday, March 12-15
An international conference on corpus linguistics will be held at Aspen Grove and on the BYU campus. There will be more than 120 presentations by participants from nearly 30 countries, including five keynote addresses by some of the most prominent scholars in the field. For more information go to http://corpus.byu.edu/aacl2008/
Thursday March 13
For a Women's Studies Colloquium, Marian Wardle, curator for the Museum of Art, will present a tour of her exhibit "Minerva Tiechert: Pageants in Paint" beginning in 4186 Joseph F. Smith Building at noon. Please email wri@byu.edu or call (801) 422-4609 to RSVP for this event. Space is limited.
Author and speaker Jenni Schaefer will share "My Life Without Ed: A Unique Approach to Eating Disorder Recovery" in the Harold B. Lee Library Auditorium at 4 p.m. This event is hosted by Women’s Services and Resources.
Matt Holland of the Political Science Department will present a House of Learning Lecture titled "How to Think About the First Great American--Hawthorne's Suggestion," at 2 p.m. in the Harold B. Lee Library Auditorium.
Friday, March 14
Paisley Rekdal will present a reading lecture at noon in the HBLL auditorium. This lecture is a part of the English Department’s Reading Series featuring outstanding writers and poets. For more information, contact Tessa Hauglid at (801) 422-4939.
Monday, March 17
The Department of Anthropology is sponsoring the Grace Elizabeth Shallit Memorial Lecture. This year Barry Cunliffe, emeritus professor of European archaeology at Oxford University, is presenting a lecture titled "Who Were the Celts?" The lecture will be 3-5 p.m. in the Harold B. Lee Library Auditorium. Admission is free.
Tuesday through Saturday March 18-22
International Cinema will show "Food Shorts," "Chung Kuo-Cina," "Wings of Desire" and "City of Angels" in 250 Spencer W. Kimball Tower. All shows are free. For showtimes, call (801) 422-5751 or visit ic.byu.edu. Foreign language films are shown with subtitles. International Cinema is sponsored by the College of Humanities.
Wednesday, March 19
BYU Jeopardy will begin at 7 p.m. in the Traditions Lounge. The event is free. Find your inner Ken Jennings! Dazzle the audience with your BYU trivia and general knowledge, or come cheer on your favorite competitor. To participate and compete for prizes, contact the Student Activities Board at (801) 422-3122 or visit the Website at stab.byu.edu
Robert Patman, professor of international relations at the University of Otago in New Zealand, is offering a Global Awareness Lecture titled “From Retreat to Re-engagement: American Policy toward Sub-Saharan Africa Before and After 9/11” at noon in 238 Herald R. Clark Building.
Thursday, March 20
The Women's Studies Film Series will screen "Sisters in Law" in 1161 Joseph F. Smith Building at noon. Admission is free..
His Excellency Friis Arne Petersen, Danish ambassador to the U.S., will offer a lecture on “Denmark-U.S. Relations” at 11 a.m. in 238 Herald R. Clark Building.
Friday, March 21
The English Department is hosting a competition to select three advanced writing students from BYU to read their creative work.The lecture is in the Harold B. Lee Library auditorium at noon. This lecture is a part of the English Department’s Reading Series. For more information, contact Tessa Hauglid at (801) 422-4939.
Saturday, March 22
Miss Utah, Sergeant Jill Stevens, will share her story "From Afghanistan to the Miss America Pageant" at 10 a.m. in the de Jong Concert Hall. This event is hosted by Women’s Services and Resources. Call (801) 422-4877.
Women’s Services and Resources will host an evening of Speed Dating in Wilkinson Student Center 3224 at 7 p.m.
Multicultural Student Services is hosting a Fiesta program, which includes a dinner, cultural dance show and Latin dance. There will be a preview show prior to the formal 90-minute cultural dance show featuring the dances of 17 Latin countries. Ticket sales will begin March 3 at the Wilkinson Center Information Desk. For more information, visit multicultural.byu.edu.
Monday, March 24
Jad Hatem, professor of philosophy at the University of Saint Joseph, Lebanon, with give a lecture entitled “Faith and Intellect: Empathy and Neutrality: Itinerary of a Catholic Scholar” at 2 p.m. in the Harold B. Lee Library Auditorium.
His Excellency Pierre Vimont, French ambassador to the U.S., will offer a lecture on “French-American Relations in Today’s World” at 3 p.m. in the Assembly Hall of the Hinckley Alumni and Visitors Center.
Tuesday, March 25
Brian Greene, physician, string theorist and author of “The Elegant Universe,” will deliver a forum address at 11:05 a.m. in the Marriott Center.
Jad Hatem, professor of philosophy at the University of Saint Joseph, Lebanon, will give a lecture entitled “The 3 Nephites, the Bodhisattva, and the Mahdi: The 3 Nephites as a Paradigm Context of Comparative Religion” at 2 p.m. in the Harold B. Lee Library.
Tuesday through Saturday, March 25-29
International Cinema will show "Tampopo," "Repentance," "William Shakespeare's Hamlet" and "Hamlet" in 250 Spencer W. Kimball Tower. All shows are free. For showtimes, call (801) 422-5751 or visit ic.byu.edu. Foreign language films are shown with subtitles. International Cinema is sponsored by the College of Humanities.
Wednesday through Saturday, March 26-29
The Bean Life Science Museum will celebrate the museum’s 30th anniversary. Dedicated in 1978, the museum continues to be a place for the campus and the local community to experience the wonders of the living world. A new exhibit donated by Ken Behring will open in conjunction with the anniversary celebration. The new exhibit will celebrate Behring’s gift while examining some of the remarkable attributes of each of the animals in this new exhibit. For more information and a schedule of events, call (801) 422-5051 or visit www.mlbean.byu.edu.
Wednesday, March 26
BYU Idol at 7 p.m. in the Varsity Theatre. The event is free. Slots fill up fast so if you are interested in performing, contact the Student Activities Board at (801) 422-3122. Come and cheer on your friends.
Jad Hatem, professor of philosophy at the University of Saint Joseph, Lebanon, with give a lecture entitled “Pure Love in Islam and Christianity: Itinerary of a Catholic Scholar” at 2 p.m. in the Harold B. Lee Library Auditorium.
“Mining the Mother Lode: Accessing Resources on Mormon Women,” will be in the L. Tom Perry Special Collections at the Harold B. Lee Library from 3:30-5 p.m. Learn about the breadth of women’s studies materials in the library and how to access them through presentations and a tour of the archives by John Murphy, 20th and 21st century Western and Mormon Americana Manuscripts curator, and Connie Lamb, Women Studies librarian.This event is open to all. For more information contact wri@byu.edu.
Multicultural Student Services is hosting a Lu'au. This year's theme is “Na' Ka'ao -- Legends of Love.” Dinner begins at 5:30 and the show begins at 7:30. The beauty of the Polynesian islands will be explored through stories and legends of love as communicated by song and dance.Ticket sales will begin March 3.Tickets can be purchased online at byutickets.com, by calling 1-800-322-BYU1 or by visiting the Marriott Center Ticket Office.Tickets will also be sold at the WSC Information Booth starting March 17. For more information, visit multicultural.byu.edu.
Thursday, March 27
In a Women's Studies Colloquium, Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, director of the Women's Research Institute, will present her research on "The Effect of Witnessing Domestic Violence on Children's Attributions of Emotions" in 4186 Joseph F. Smith Building at noon. The lecture is open to all.
University Archivist Gordon Daines will present a House of Learning Lecture titled "Training Teachers and Learning to Lead: Brigham Young University, the Church College of Hawaii and the Role of Higher Education in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," at 2 p.m. in the Harold B. Lee Library Auditorium.
His Excellency James Spalding, Paraguayan ambassador to the U.S., will offer a lecture on “Paraguay-U.S. Relations” at 11 a.m. in the Assembly Hall of the Hinckley Alumni and Visitors Center.
Thursday through Friday, March 27-28
The A. Dean Larson Book Collecting Conference will be hosted by the L. Tom Perry Special Collections at BYU. Each year Special Collections opens it doors to book collectors and book lovers of all interests. Book dealers, librarians and book lovers attend this conference where they meet with curators, handle rare materials and experience a very real connection to the past. For more information visit http://net.lib.byu.edu/scm/bookconference2008/
Friday, March 28
This year, the Passover Seder Services have been scheduled for March 28, April 3, 11, 12, 17, and 25. All events—except the April 11 Service which will be held in 3280-3290 Wilkinson Student Center—are in 3228 Wilkinson Student Center. The Passover begins at 6:30 p.m. and typically lasts until 10 p.m. It will be an evening of new cultural learning with scripture connections that will be remembered for many years. Tickets are $25 for the public and $17 for current BYU students, faculty and staff. Tickets are available at 271 Joseph Smith Building on the BYU campus and must be purchased 4 days prior to an event.
This year's Brigham Young University Conference on Family Life will be held from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the BYU Conference Center located at 770 E. University Parkway. The School of Family Life and the Division of Continuing Education are combining two family conferences into one called “The BYU Conference on Family Life: Strengthening Families in a Troubled World.” Inspirational and academic speakers at the conference will focus on ways to strengthen families, teaching parents how to raise a righteous posterity and help prevent the problems that often arise in modern family life. For more information, to register or to see a schedule of events, visit http://ce.byu.edu/cw/family/ or call (801) 422-4853.
Women’s Services and Resources will host an evening of Speed Dating in 3224 Wilkinson Student Center at 7.
The English Department will host a “Tribute to Leslie Norris” at noon in the HBLL Auditorium. Leslie Norris was an internationally renowned Welsh poet and short story writer who taught at BYU from the early 1980s until his death in 2006, holding the University Professorship in Creative Writing and receiving the Karl G. Maeser Distinguished Faculty Lectureship.This lecture is a part of the English Department’s Reading Series. For more information, contact Tessa Hauglid at (801) 422-4939.
Friday and Saturday, March 28-29
BYU’s 27th annual Harold Cedartree Memorial Pow Wow will be held in the Wilkinson Student Center Ballroom.The beginning or “Grand Entry” for Friday evening will convene at 6 p.m.Tickets can be purchased at the WSC Information Booth or at the door.Cost for the competition Pow Wow in the WSC Ballroom for each day is$5 for the general public and $4 with for students with ID.Seniors and children 10 and under receive free admission.Authentic Native American fry bread and arts and crafts will be on sale in the WSC Garden Court. For more information, please visit multicultural.byu.edu.
Saturday, March 29
Campus Life is hosting BYU’s Annual Splash and Dash Biathlon. It is a swim and run with several divisions, including beginner, intermediate, elite, team and a 5K run. Tickets and registration should be done in advance starting March 10 at the Wilkinson Student Center Information Desk. All participants get a T-shirt and winners will receive awards and prizes. More information is available at eventsmanagement.byu.edu.
All Month
An exhibit, "Masterworks of Contemporary Japanese Ceramics," will be on display in the Harold B. Lee Library Auditorium Gallery on level 1 from March to April. The exhibit curator is Jack Stoneman, assistant professor of Japanese.
The Bean Museum will be having educational activities each Saturday throughout the month of March. For a schedule and details, please visit www.mlbean.byu.edu.
Writer: David Luker