What’s New At BYU for February 2008
Friday and Saturday, Feb. 1-2
The International Cinema in 250 Spencer W. Kimball Tower will feature "The Scent of Green Papaya," "Looking for Richard," "Experiencing Shakespeare," "Pinocchio" and Disney's "Pinocchio." All shows are free. For show times, see ic.byu.edu or call (801) 422-5751. Foreign language films are shown with subtitles. The event is sponsored by the BYU College of Humanities.
Friday, Feb. 1
"Americans Abroad: How to Be a Soft Power Superhero" will be discussed by David C. Brooks, chair of WHA area studies at the Foreign Service Institute, at 11 a.m. in 238 Herald R. Clark Building.
Friday and Saturday, Feb. 1-2
Humor U, BYU’s premier stand-up comedy club, presents another hilarious show at 8 and 9:30 p.m. on Friday and at 8 p.m. on Saturday in 321 Karl G. Maeser Building. Tickets are $2 at the Wilkinson Student Center Info Desk and $3 at the door.
Saturday, Feb. 2
At the Midwinter Symposium on Books for Young Readers, nationally acclaimed authors and illustrators Mark and Caralyn Buehner, Donna Jo Napoli and Gary D. Schmidt will share their unique perspective on children’s literature, followed by a short question-and-answer session. In addition, an autograph session and three informal discussion groups with individual authors will be available. Register at http://bfyr.byu.edu. Space is limited.
Tuesday, Feb. 5
Elder Bruce C. Hafen of the Quorum of the Seventy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will offer the devotional at 11:05 a.m. in the Marriott Center. It will be broadcast live on the BYU networks. For rebroadcast information, visit byubroadcasting.org.
Tuesday through Saturday, Feb. 5-9
International Cinema in 250 Spencer W. Kimball Tower will feature "The Age of Innocence," "Persona," "Rashomon" and "The Outrage." All shows are free. For show times, see ic.byu.edu or call (801) 422-5751. Foreign language films are shown with subtitles. The event is sponsored by the BYU College of Humanities.
Wednesday, Feb. 6
Acoustic Explosion will come to the Traditions Lounge in the Wilkinson Student Center at 7 p.m. Come and enjoy some of the best acoustic talent on campus. The event is free. For more information, contact the Student Activities Board at (801) 422-3122 or visit stab.byu.edu
Dodge Billingsley, documentary film producer and director for Combat Films and Research, will give a Global Awareness Lecture entitled "Abkhazia: Untold War Story" at noon in 238 Herald R. Clark Building.
Thursday, Feb. 7
Christian Smith, the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Sociology and director of the Center for the Study of Religion and Society at the University of Notre Dame will present "Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers" at the fourth annual lecture from the Marjorie Pay Hinckley Endowed Chair in Social Work and the Social Sciences at 7 p.m. in the Joseph Smith Building Auditorium.
The Women's Studies Film Series will be showing the film "Invisible Children" in 1161 Joseph F. Smith Building at noon.
"Navigating the EU Cultural Policy Labyrinth" will be the topic for Patricia Dewey, assistant professor of arts and administration at the University of Oregon, as part of the European Culture Lecture Series at 11 a.m. in 238 Herald R. Clark Building.
Kyu Ho Youm, holder of the Jonathan Marshall First Amendment Chair at the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication, will present “A Global Perspective on Press Freedom Issues” at 3 p.m. in 115 David O. McKay Building. A question-and-answer session will follow. Admission is free and the public is welcome. The lecture is co-sponsored by the Department of Communications and the David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies.
At 11 a.m. in 3228 Wilkinson Student Center, Ahmad Corbitt, director of the New York Office of Public and International Affairs for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will discuss the Church and black issues as part of Black History Month at BYU.
Friday, Feb. 8
Women’s Services and Resources will host “Speed Dating” at 7:30 p.m. in the Wilkinson Student Center Garden Court.
An International Relations Lecture will feature "Carbon Trading: Solution to Climate Change or Corporate Resource Grab?" by Larry Lohmann, author and founding member of the Durban Group for Climate Justice, at noon in 238 Herald R. Clark Building.
From 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. in the WSC Ballroom, Music Night and Poetry Jam will be presented by the BYU Jazz Band and ensembles, portraying through music and poetry historically significant times and emotions in African American historyas part of Black History Month at BYU. The cost is $3 with BYU ID and $4 without. Refreshments will be served.
A new exhibit, "Nature Photography Competition and Exhibition," will openat the Monte L.Bean Life Science Museum. People from all over the state submit their nature photographs for the show. The entries are juried, and several prizes will be awarded. The show opens Feb. 8 and runs through March 14.For more information, call (801) 422-5051 or visithttp://mlbean.byu.edu.
Tuesday, Feb. 12
Timothy B. Smith of the BYU Counseling Psychology and Special Education Department will offer the devotional at 11:05 a.m. in the Marriott Center. It will be broadcast live on the BYU networks. For rebroadcast information, visit byubroadcasting.org.
Tuesday through Saturday, Feb. 12-16
International Cinema in 250 Spencer W. Kimball Tower will feature "Chunhyang," "Eat Drink Man Woman," "3 Hommes Et Un Couffin" and "Three Men and a Baby." All shows are free. For show times, see ic.byu.edu or call (801) 422-5751. Foreign language films are shown with subtitles. The event is sponsored by the College of Humanities.
Wednesday, Feb. 13
Acappellooza will begin in the Varsity Theatre at 7 p.m. Come out and enjoy some of the best a cappella talent on campus. For more information, contact the Student Activities Board at (801) 422-3122 or visit the Web site at stab.byu.edu
"Iraq—Why the Surge Worked" will be the topic for a David M. Kennedy Center address by Adam Fife, strategic communications advisor for Multinational Force Iraq at noon in 238 Herald R. Clark Building.
Thursday, Feb. 14
At a Women's Studies Colloquium, Yodit Solomon, research associate with the Women's Research Institute, will present "A Slideshow: Daily Life in Rural Mali" in 4186 Joseph F. Smith Building at noon.
At 2 p.m. in the Harold B. Lee Library auditorium, Terry Olson of the College of Family Life will present "Redeeming the Past: The Power of the Present Moment."
Phillip Low, a professor of biochemistry at Purdue University, will offer a lecture in 446 Martin Building.
At 11 a.m. in 3228 WSC, Winston Wilkinson, national director of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights, will share his experience as a modern-day black pioneer in Washington, D.C.,as part of Black History Month at BYU.
Friday, Feb. 15
From 8 to 11:30 p.m. in the WSC Ballroom, the Black Student Union Dance will be hostedas part of Black History Month at BYU. The cost is $3 with BYU ID and $4 without.
Tuesday through Saturday, Feb. 19-23
The International Cinema in 250 Spencer W. Kimball Tower will feature the 2008 Academy Award Nominees for Foreign Language Film and Short Format Films. Also featured will be "The Lives of Others," the 2007 Oscar Winner for Best Foreign Language Film. All shows are free. For show times, visit ic.byu.edu or call (801) 422-5751. Foreign language films are shown with subtitles. The event is sponsored by the College of Humanities.
Tuesday, Feb. 19
Tickets will go on sale for the BYU Passover Seder Services, scheduled for March 28, April 3, 11, 12, 17, and 25. All events (except the April 11 service which will be held in 3280-3290 Wilkinson Student Center,) are in 3228 Wilkinson Student Center. The Passover begins at 6:30 p.m. and typically lasts until 10 p.m. It will be an evening of new cultural learning with scripture connections that will be remembered for many years. Tickets are $25 for the public and $17 for current BYU students, faculty and staff and will be available at 271 Joseph Smith Building on the BYU campus. In addition, a Passover Seder Service Workshop is being offered to provide ideas and suggestions for individuals interested in teaching more about or conducting Passover Seder Services on their own. A packet of materials will be provided. The workshop will be held on Saturday, March 8, at 10 a.m. in 3228 WSC. Tickets are $10, will include a luncheon and will also go on sale Feb. 19 at 271 JSB. Please note that participants in the Passover Service and the workshop must purchase tickets at least four days in advance. For more information, contact Patty Smith at (801) 422-3611.
Wednesday, Feb. 20
A Global Awareness Lecture, "Hungary–U.S. Relations," will feature His Excellency Ferenc Somogyi, Hungarian ambassador to the United States, at noon in 238 Herald R. Clark Building.
"Images de soi, images de l'autre: visages du cinéma européen," a European Culture Lecture, will be given by Arnaud Huftier, professor of French literature at Université de Valenciennes, at 3 p.m. in 238 Herald R. Clark Building.
Wednesday through Saturday Feb. 20-23
The Timpanogos Storytelling Festival will feature a variety of events, including Donald and David Novak. Evening concerts are available at The Barn at Thanksgiving Point, Timpanogos High School Auditorium and the Conference Center at BYU. For more details and information, visit www.timpfest.org or call (801) 229-7436. To register, visit http://ce.byu.edu/cw/tsf or call (801) 422-8925.
Thursday, Feb. 21
The Women's Studies Film Series will feature "Still Killing Us Softly" in 1161 Joseph F. Smith Building at noon. The film is open to all.
Women’s Services and Resources will host a Healthy Relationships Conference from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in 3380 Wilkinson Student Center.
The Geography Department is hosting a lecture at 11 a.m. in 250 Spencer W. Kimball Tower. The speaker will be Keith Clarke, a cartographer from the University of California at Santa Barbara.
The BYU Graduate Student Society will host the Faith and Scholarship Symposium at 9 p.m. in the Wilkinson Student Center Garden Court. Dinner is provided, RSVP required. Speaker TBA.
A Biology Seminar will host Troy Sadler of Florida University, who will offer a lecture in 247 Martin Building.
At 11 a.m. in B002 Joseph F. Smith Building, Malone-Colón, chair of the Department of Psychology at Hampton University and owner of Malon-Colón Consulting, will review the state of marriage and family among African Americansas part of Black History Month at BYU.
Saturday, Feb. 23
A Children’s Fair will be heldfrom noon to 5 p.m. in the WSC Ballroom, providing black children with an opportunity to learn more about their heritage and cultureas part of Black History Month at BYU. The event is free and includes several activities and light snacks.
Monday through Friday, Feb. 25-29
In honor of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (NEDAW), Women’s Services and Resources and be giving away free bracelets that urge participants to “Be Comfortable in Your Genes.” The bracelets will be given out at a booth in the WSC. There will also be a discussion panel of eating disorder survivors on February 27 at 5:30 (room TBA) as well as an “Intuitive Eating” workshop on February 28 at 11:00 a.m. (room TBA).
Tuesday, Feb. 26
Mathematics professor Kening Lu, this year’s Karl G. Maeser Distinguished Faculty Lecturer, will offer a forum address at 11:05 a.m. in the Marriott Center. It will be broadcast live on the BYU networks. For rebroadcast information, visit byubroadcasting.org.
Tuesday through Friday, Feb. 26-29
For the second year, the BYU Bookstore and the BYU Alumni Association are sponsoring a graduation fair on the upper level (textbook floor) of the Bookstore where students can take care of everything from cap and gown orders to BYU memorabilia. There will be prizes, give-aways and special discounts on items graduates want and need.
Tuesday through Saturday, Feb. 26-March 1
The International Cinema in 250 Spencer W. Kimball Tower will feature "Head Wynn," "The God of Cookery," "Il Mare" and "The Lake House." All shows are free. For showtimes, see ic.byu.edu or call (801) 422-5751. Foreign language films are shown with subtitles. The event is sponsored by the College of Humanities.
Wednesday, Feb. 27
BYU Idol begins again in the Varsity Theatre at 7 p.m. Slots fill up fast, so those who are interested in performing should contact the Student Activities Board at (801) 422-3122.
The European Culture Lecture Series will feature "The Cultural Construction of National Identities in Europe" by Anne-Marie Thiesse of the Centre National de Recherches Scientifiques, Paris, at noon in 238 Herald R. Clark Building.
Thursday, Feb. 28
At 11 a.m. in 3380 WSC,as part of Black History Month at BYU,a multicultural panel of BYU students will discuss ways to foster unity, understanding and cultural appreciation on campus under the theme “Unified by Our Diversity.”
The Women's Studies Colloquium will host Niwako Yamawaki, assistant professor of psychology, who will present her research on "The Effects of Ambivalent Sexism on College Students' Teacher Evaluations" in 4186 Joseph F. Smith Building at noon. The lecture is open to all.
At 2 p.m. in the Harold B. Lee Library auditorium, social work professor Gordon Limb will present “A Bright Future: Strengthening American Indians’ Fragile Families."
In the Wilkinson Student Center's Varsity Theater, the movie “Amazing Grace,” a true story of a man’s long crusade to end the slave trade in England, will be shown at 6:30 and 9 p.m.as part of Black History Month at BYU.Tickets can be purchased for $1.50 at the WSC Info Desk.
All Month
“FHE @ the MPC” will be held every second and fourth Monday at the BYU Museum of Peoples and Cultures, beginning at 6:30 p.m. for families and 7 and 7:30 p.m. for students. Groups can schedule tours for Family Home Evening at $5 per group. For more information or to schedule FHE tours, call (801) 422-0020 or email mpc@byu.edu
Women’s Services and Resources sponsors an “Assertiveness Support Group” Wednesdays, from 3-4:30 p.m. in 3233 WSC; a “Loved Ones of Men with Pornography Support Group” Tuesdays from 3-4:30 p.m. in 3233 WSC; and “Depression: The Way Out” (a 10-week seminar starting February 7 for women and their loved ones) Thursdays from 11-noon in 3710 Lee Library.
Writer: David Luker