A team from the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command will visit Brigham Young University Tuesday, April 13, to offer two-year "after-graduation" internships as intelligence analysts.
Juniors and seniors are invited to the presentation that will begin at noon at Career Placement Services, 2410 Wilkinson Student Center.
These are full-time, civilian positions with salaries for bachelor's candidates beginning at the GS-7 level (about $32,000/year) and for master's candidates beginning at GS-9 (about $40,000/year). A full benefits package is included.
The command will recruit from a variety of majors and studies including international and area studies, international relations, history, political science, languages, communications, technology, human resources, ROTC and related fields.
Minorities, women and students with disabilities are encouraged to apply. All applicants must be U.S. citizens.
Juniors and seniors are especially invited. Because of security clearance procedures, students graduating in April and during the summer may see internship dates delayed pending completion of background checks.
While most internships are at command headquarters at Fort Belvoir, Va., near Washington, D.C., some overseas positions may be available in Germany, Japan and Hawaii with smaller numbers of jobs open in other countries.
Students are reminded that April 13 is the last day of classes and that the presentation will begin immediately following the "UnForum" assembly scheduled for that day.
For more information contact Richard Cox, (801) 422-5944.