Yolande Bouka, a doctoral candidate in international relations at the American University, will discuss "Justice Through their Eyes: The Legal Journey of Released Prisoners of the Rwandan Genocide" Wednesday, Feb. 2, at noon in 238 Herald R. Clark Building at Brigham Young University.
Bouka is part of a small group of emerging young scholars on social justice, power and resistance in the African Great Lakes Region. In the course of her research, she spent four months interviewing released prisoners of the Rwandan genocide.
Her work investigates the reintegration of released prisoners of the Rwandan genocide and analyzes their experiences in the transitional justice system. Her research aims to understand how power relations in transitional justice mechanisms allow the state to control and structure conceptions of criminality, justice, and truth.
She completed a master’s degree in international relations from the School of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall University, where she specialized in global health and security and placed a particular focus on issues related to HIV/AIDS prevalence in African militaries and humanitarian interventions.
Bouka received a bachelor's degree in both international studies and French with a minor in Middle East studies from BYU. For more information, contact Lee Simons at (801) 422-2652 or lee_simons@byu.edu.