Grade rolls will be available through Route Y/AIM beginning Dec. 14, the last day of class instruction. The deadline for submitting grades is Friday, Dec. 29 at noon. Instructions for submitting grades can be found in the menu for faculty and staff at
The most common obstacle to submitting grade rolls is pop-up blockers. Please enable pop-ups on the grade submission pages. If you have enabled pop-ups and your grades are still not submitting, try holding down the “Ctrl” button on your keyboard while you save, submit or post your grades. This will temporarily enable pop-ups.
In order for your grade submission to be received by the Records Office, you need to receive a “Thank You” message at the end of the process. If you do not receive this message, your grades did not enter the system.
If you are not sure if your grades went through, exit the grade submission pages and re-enter the system. If the status of your grade roll is “Available,” then your grades are not in the system. The status of grade roll needs to be “Submitted” or “Posted” to be officially accepted by the Records Office.
For more information, visit the Web site or contact the Records Office at ext. 2-2631.