Cheryl C. Lant, general president of the Primary organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, will speak Tuesday, Feb. 14, at 11:05 a.m. in the Marriott Center for a Brigham Young University campus devotional.
Live broadcasts are available on KBYU-TV (Channel 11), BYU-Television, KBYU-FM (89.1), BYU-Radio and, as well as on campus in the Joseph Smith Building auditorium and the Varsity Theater in the Wilkinson Student Center. Rebroadcast information is available at
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, Lant will speak on God’s pure love for us and the love we should show others.
Lant was sustained as the 11th general president of the Primary during the April 2005 General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
She studied early childhood development at BYU, and has spent most of her adult life teaching children, both as the mother of nine and as an educator. She co-founded the Learning Dynamics Academic Preschool, and co-founded and developed the beginning reading program Frontline Phonics.
She has served extensively in the Church, including service as a member of the Primary General Board, stake and ward Primary president, counselor in a stake Relief Society presidency, ward Young Women president and Primary teacher.
Writer: Brian Rust